Editing of the Race Track / Devlog about CryptoCompany CEO | Sort of Devlog #7

in CryptoCompany CEO2 months ago (edited)


Yesterday I wrote you here that I work on remeshing the streets and pathways within the city and the islands. I had success with implementing the self-driving "AI" car system and I repeat this doing on the race track today.


The racetrack (with modular elements).

On the following picture you can see the navigation mesh I baked for the street elements of the race track as green overlay. Green is the area where the agents are allowed to drive. For barriers or advertising columns I created a NavMesh obstacle - this carves out a area which isn't available for the agents. But there is still one thing sub prime: some streets which are very close together combine to one area without any space between. This leads to the circumstance that the driving agents drive over this area freely without respecting the normal street path.


Actual NavMesh which needs rework. In the next picture ...


... you can see how drivable areas get bond together (red). The blue circle on the left side of the image, marking a ramp, is a very narrow path.

In theory one subprime solution could be that I give my agents a bigger radius. This would lead to that some overlapping areas, marked in red, would disappear. But the agent would get so big, that a the area on a ramp, marked in blue, would become to small. So the best solution for this circumstance is to do that I did with the streets in the city area, too: separating the meshes to obtain the pure drivable area as one object and the surrounding of the street (the white curb and the green cube).

Green cube? Yes. Just in short: all streets are build in a modular way and are cubes within a 10 by 10 grid. This modular design allows me to swap/change the track layout very easy. This s important for me/you, because I can edit the track layout from time to time not only by putting barriers on the intersections, but by swapping whole elements.


The race track looks complex, but in the end there just a few elements which I created and position/stretch in the game.


This is a actual curve. And you can notice the 3 materials I used white/ground/stone_04. 3 materials? Very sub-prime, to say it in friendly words.


But it needs to be two elements like you can see here. One element the street surface (which will be used for mapping the NavMesh), the other object the surrounding of the street. Plus you can see that I swapped the material to my UV standard UV map texture, which I show you on the left side of the screen.

Enough the writing... cutting some elements, mapping a new NavMesh and teaching the AI agent is on my agenda...

Greetings from Paraguay!

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Postings from me or CryptoCompany within the last 7 days:

Editing of Roads, Driveways & Pedestrian Areas / Devlog about CryptoCompany CEO | Sort of Devlog #6
Changings to the CryptoCompany Voting Service
Bro Bang Event 5 is over, 6 has started + EVENT & SEASON RANKINGS
LIL: Wheel of Fortune for the Let's Make a Collage Community & When You Write About CryptoCompany or Design Images


This looks crazy. I cannot wait to race there myself. 🏎

[@PowerPaul:] It's fun to race in-game! Cars have nitro, can drift, jump and steer in-air... That's fun! The work from yesterday was successful, I just have to edit the self-driving mechanism, because the agents sometimes don't hit the next way point and begin to circle the point. But I have an idea how to arrange that.

Thank you for your comment, stay tuned & have a great day!



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It is a super long track.
I will enjoy racing there