I decided to create this archive to create a learning course for myself and others.
These are a step by step plan for learning how to create and market GPT Agents.
This is a very good video because he explains what a GPT or AI Agent is. It is basically a type of BOT, a piece of code which performs one or more functions, mainly interpreting Prompts and retrieving data from the internet or a sequestered database.
This means a Specialized GPT or AI Agent can perform repetative tasks, like answering questions about a restaraunt menu or taking reservations.
The beauty of this concept is that you don't have to connect a specialized GPT to the internet, if all the information it needs to perform it's function can be stored in it's database, and updated quickly in one place, simply by replacing a file.
For Example you can create a voice restaraunt GPT with a pleasant voice and have it answer a phone number you rent on the web. The GPT would answer questions about the menu by interpreting the typed input or verbal input and retrieve the answer from the menu stored in it's database.
You can set this up with one phone line or multiple phone lines and the single AI Agent can answer all the calls and speak to multiple people simaltaneously.
I think that's pretty cool.
Additionally you could prompt the GPT to assist people in calculating how much they can save on their energy bill when they call a solar company.
The GPT would connect to a Publis API which calculates solar savings by using google maps pictures of the residence roof, GPS global positioning to determine how much daylight the roof gets and compare to average electric bills based on the homes square footage to determine savings with solar.
This GPT could take multiple phone calls at once and if the person is impressed by the savings the GPT can hand them off to an agent or email them the information on their home, so they can think it over, along with contact information for the solar company.
The End...
This is also called niche GPT creation.
There are many other use cases, and I suspect you are creating one in your mind after reading this article.
The truly intriguing thing is this video is over a year old and AI creation has progressed since then to make it easier to perform, but you still need this basic understanding of how it works, which is contained in this video.
Useful Resource
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