전통적인 소금 생산 공정.

Salt is a complement to the food needs of every human being, and is also a source of electrolytes for every human body. Not only for consumption, salt can also be used as additional ingredients or companies and industries.

In a process of making salt in Indonesia, it must be recognized that there is still very much or almost on average still done in the traditional way, namely by utilizing sunlight to help the process of evaporation of salt, the way done by salt farmers is to make plots -Maps as a place to store sea water that will be evaporated before becoming salt. so to get good quality salt with large crystals, salt farmers usually create channels to drain sea water directly on the plots that have been made, and to produce high levels of baume (concentration) which is around 20-25Be(for measurement using the Baumemeter tool).


For more details, let's look at the traditional salt production process.

Young waterways.

The young water channel functions to drain or transport sea water, from the sea to the salt processing area, Seawater can also use aid tools such as water pumping machines or by means of the past, namely relying on the tide of sea water, and during the process of sea water drainage to the location of young waterways, the concentration of sea water will increase from the usual 2 degrees Be to 4 degrees Be.

Young water reservoirs

Sea water from the young water channel then flowed into the young water reservoir, for the size of the pool of young water reservoir is about 25% of the total or the total area of ​​salt land, Young water stored in the reservoir will be deposited for 7 to 10 days, with water level approximately 1 meter, and During this process the water density will continue to increase from 4 degrees Be to around 7 degrees Be (normal heat). In addition to functioning as a reservoir, this pool is also used to deposit impurities that will be carried by sea water, and then from the pool water will be channeled to the salt hatchery pond.

Crystal table

Old water or water that has long been flowed into the crystal table. The area called the crystal table is about 35% of the area of ​​the pond, so in the crystal table, the old water will be deposited for about 5 to 10 days, required the depth of the water is around 5 cm, with time, the old water will begin to crystallize and the crystals will become white granules of salt.


Grains of Salt that are formed from the crystallization table for 5 days, will then be harvested by scraping using special scrapers made from wood, harvested salt is then put into a sack and then transported to a storage warehouse, or sold to customers to be marketed.

