StackExchange Proposal
Well, i wanted to offer up a big thank you for anyone and everyone that participated in helping to accomplish the goal of having the proposal accepted! That happened much faster than i was anticipating in achieving our objective and meeting our goal! Thank you for taking the time to read The Post and vote on the questions to get them to the 10 upvotes needed to be considered.
Now that our proposal has been accepted we need the commitment of the HIVE community to actually use the site before getting a subdomain on the website. You can go get started doing your part here!
Most of the traction in getting this goal met was probably my trolling and shilling in Discord to be honest! I gave away 20 Hive in the process... and thanks to a certain user that tipped me to quit pinging him, i was able to incentivize this initiative at his expense!
So What Do We Do Now?
Well, if you participated in the last part of this journey then you remember step one was to get set up and follow the Hive proposal. You can check out the step-by-step guide to catch up in this post here! The next step moving forward is to click the commit button the same way you clicked on the follow button.
I believe in you... you can do it i assure you all! The commit button looks like this what i have encompassed in a red rectangle.
We need a lot of people to engage and commit to engaging in this next step of the process... i won't lie. The more you vote on questions and participate the higher your reputation will be and the better and more efficient things will move forward.
Helping us to get to the next step will be to click on this link here...
That is an embedded link that shows it came from someone already a part of the process. You can click that link and get started or click that link and take the next steps... either way, once you get on the way you will get an embed link yourselves.
I would recommend you call on all your friends and family members to participate. I would recommend that you make your own blog post on your own blog or in communities with as many Hive users as will be willing to participate to help this initiative take hold!
This truly is a call to action. The action will only need to be sustained for a time... but the benefits and rewards could be forever!
Are We Willing To Unite?
If we could all come together the same way individuals do to promote their own content... or even the same way communities here on HIVE promote their own contests then we could conquer this goal in no time!
200 hundred active people to engage in a question and answer forum and users verifying accounts via email and growing reputations because of adding value is the skin and bones of what Hive Blog was built on and is all about!
If we can't come together as ONE HIVE TRIBE to unite and make outside initiatives that benefit the whole blockchain possible... then do we even truly value the tribes internally enough to make this all worth it in the long run?
It took a lot of trolling and shilling to essentially get 5 people to vote 5 times to where we are now. 20 Hive and a lot of folks later... are we any better off for it? With our own subdomain, i could see this as all worth it. If we fail to engage and get to that point... then what am i doing here really?
I shouldn't have to shill and troll my own community to get the traction to promote this blockchain in the way it needs to progress and move forward. United We Stand ... Divided We Fall!
Let's Make This Happen
As a Hive BlockChain Comunity in whole... we are so close to making this goal an actual reality! I won't shill it near as much nor will i incentivize it as i have so far. Y'all don't need me to troll this initiative to make it a reality. All y'all need to do is come together in one accord to make this happen. As a blockchain community... if we have any chance of competing we need to be able to come together and act as one HIVE!
Many people are ready to come together for curation and contests for their own personal gain... but how many people are ready to come together for the community. Not for a tribe or a community within the community... but for the Hive BlockChain as a whole? In the wise words of Jim Morrison of the Doors...
The old get old and the young gets stronger
May take a week and it may take longer
They got the guns but we got the numbers
Gonna win, yeah, we're takin' over, come on!
Hive Alive I Believe
Compared to the other communities already thriving on the StackExchange... i believe we can make a difference! I believe HIVE can carve out it's own place in the crypto space. We have a superior blockchain... and we have a superior community! We have an Army of users... we just need a General!
It truly won't take much to have a genuine question and answer session over there off the blockchain. Engaging in question and answer will only bring more wisdom and truth to all. We could all use more wisdom and more knowledge when it comes to the answers to questions the community needs to know about.
If this stage of the process is successful and complete... this site and subdomain will be a receptacle of knowledge that every new user can be led to in order to give the answers that are needed to fulfill whatever destiny any user wants to create for themselves!
The End
Once again, here is the link to get started or to continue on in supporting this HIVE initiative...
Share, reblog, cross-post this as needed to reach the goal! 200 commitments shouldn't take too long considering we have 10's of thousands if not millions of users here!
I believe we can all be winners with a successful campaign to get our own HIVE subdomain name on!
Thank you for your time checking out this post and considering participating in the Hive proposal initiative!
StackExchange Propuesta
Bueno, quería dar las gracias a todos los que participaron para ayudar a lograr el objetivo de que la propuesta fuera aceptada. ¡Eso sucedió mucho más rápido de lo que esperaba para lograr nuestro objetivo y alcanzar nuestro objetivo! Gracias por tomarse el tiempo de leer la publicación y votar las preguntas para que lleguen a los 10 votos a favor necesarios para ser considerados.
¡La mayor parte de la tracción para lograr este objetivo fue probablemente mi trolling y chelín en Discord para ser honesto! Entregué 20 Hive en el proceso ... y gracias a cierto usuario que me aconsejó que dejara de hacerle ping, ¡pude incentivar esta iniciativa a sus expensas!
¿Entonces, qué hacemos ahora?
Bueno, si participó en la última parte de este viaje, entonces recuerda que el primer paso fue configurar y seguir la propuesta de Hive. Puede consultar la guía paso a paso para ponerse al día ¡en esta publicación aquí! El siguiente paso avanzar es hacer clic en el botón de confirmación de la misma manera que hizo clic en el botón de seguimiento.
Yo creo en ti ... puedes hacerlo te lo aseguro a todos! El botón de confirmación se ve así, lo que he incluido en un rectángulo rojo.
Necesitamos que mucha gente participe y se comprometa a participar en este próximo paso del proceso ... no mentiré. Cuanto más vote en las preguntas y participe, mayor será su reputación y las cosas avanzarán mejor y más eficientes.
Ayudarnos a llegar al siguiente paso será hacer clic en este enlace aquí ...
Ese es un enlace incrustado que muestra que proviene de alguien que ya es parte del proceso. Puede hacer clic en ese enlace y comenzar o hacer clic en ese enlace y seguir los siguientes pasos ... de cualquier manera, una vez que esté en el camino, obtendrá un enlace para insertar.
Le recomendaría que llame a todos sus amigos y familiares para que participen. ¡Le recomendaría que haga su propia publicación de blog en su propio blog o en comunidades con tantos usuarios de Hive como estén dispuestos a participar para ayudar a que esta iniciativa se afiance!
Este es verdaderamente un llamado a la acción. La acción solo tendrá que durar un tiempo ... ¡pero los beneficios y las recompensas podrían durar para siempre!
¿Estamos dispuestas a unirnos?
Si todos pudiéramos unirnos de la misma manera que las personas para promover su propio contenido ... o incluso de la misma manera que las comunidades aquí en HIVE promueven sus propios concursos, ¡podríamos lograrlo en poco tiempo!
200 personas activas para participar en un foro de preguntas y respuestas y usuarios que verifican las cuentas por correo electrónico y hacen crecer una reputación debido a la adición de valor es la piel y los huesos de lo que se construyó y trata el Blog de Hive.
Si no podemos unirnos como UNA TRIBU DE HIVE para unirnos y hacer posibles iniciativas externas que beneficien a toda la cadena de bloques ... ¿entonces realmente valoramos a las tribus internamente lo suficiente como para que todo esto valga la pena a largo plazo?
Se necesitó mucho trolling y chelín para esencialmente lograr que 5 personas votaran 5 veces hasta donde estamos ahora. 20 Hive y mucha gente más tarde ... ¿estamos mejor para eso? Con nuestro propio subdominio, pude ver que todo esto vale la pena. Si no nos comprometemos y llegamos a ese punto ... entonces, ¿qué estoy haciendo aquí realmente?
No debería tener que engañar a mi propia comunidad para conseguir la tracción necesaria para promover esta cadena de bloques en la forma en que necesita progresar y seguir adelante. Unidos nos mantenemos ... ¡Divididos caemos!
Hagamos que esto suceda
Como comunidad de Hive BlockChain en su conjunto ... ¡estamos muy cerca de hacer de este objetivo una realidad! No lo voy a criticar ni lo incentivaré como lo he hecho hasta ahora. No necesitan que yo controle esta iniciativa para hacerla realidad. Todo lo que deben hacer es unirse de común acuerdo para que esto suceda. Como comunidad de blockchain ... si tenemos alguna posibilidad de competir, debemos poder unirnos y actuar como uno ** ¡HIVE! **
Muchas personas están listas para unirse para la curaduría y concursos para su propio beneficio personal ... pero cuántas personas están listas para unirse para la comunidad. No para una tribu o una comunidad dentro de la comunidad ... ¿sino para Hive BlockChain en su conjunto? En las sabias palabras de Jim Morrison de The Doors ...
Los viejos envejecen y los jóvenes se fortalecen
Puede tardar una semana y puede tardar más
Ellos tienen las armas pero nosotros los números
Voy a ganar, sí, nos estamos apoderando, ¡vamos!
Colmena Viva Yo Creo
En comparación con las otras comunidades que ya prosperan en StackExchange ... ¡creo que podemos marcar la diferencia! Creo que HIVE puede hacerse con su propio lugar en el espacio criptográfico. Tenemos una cadena de bloques superior ... ¡y tenemos una comunidad superior! Tenemos un ejército de usuarios ... ¡solo necesitamos un general!
Realmente no se necesitará mucho para tener una sesión genuina de preguntas y respuestas fuera de la cadena de bloques. Involucrarse en preguntas y respuestas solo traerá más sabiduría y verdad para todos. Todos podríamos usar más sabiduría y más conocimiento cuando se trata de las respuestas a las preguntas que la comunidad necesita conocer.
Si esta etapa del proceso es exitosa y completa ... este sitio y subdominio será un receptáculo de conocimiento al que se puede llevar a cada nuevo usuario para dar las respuestas que se necesitan para cumplir con cualquier destino que cualquier usuario quiera crear. ¡ellos mismos!
El Fin
Una vez más, aquí está el enlace para comenzar o continuar apoyando esta iniciativa HIVE ...
¡Comparte, comparte, publica esto según sea necesario para alcanzar la meta! ¡200 compromisos no deberían tomar mucho tiempo considerando que tenemos decenas de miles, si no millones de usuarios aquí!
¡Creo que todos podemos ser ganadores con una campaña exitosa para obtener nuestro propio nombre de subdominio HIVE en!
¡Gracias por su tiempo revisando esta publicación y considerando participar en la iniciativa de la propuesta Hive!
I have already registered and I hope I did it right. I read something about it and if I understood correctly, I think you have to be active in that social network for the objectives to be met, it is not just registering. I tried to vote on the questions and to ask one, but I think that is no longer possible. Anyway, when you have time, explain to me what's next. 😉
the one before it here. In the one with the link there, i explained a little bit about what the site is and what we are aiming to achieve.@mballesteros Hi! Thanks for participating! I made two posts yesterday... this one here and
StackExchange is a site where there are question and answer forums for community engagement. It's outside of Hive and apparently very popular in other crypto circles. It would be a great place to have people interact about Hive and it could potentially get many non Hivers over here on our blockchain.
We met our goal in getting enough questions asked and upvoted along with enough people to follow the proposal to get approved for the next stage of the process. At this stage we need people to click the commit button after verifying their account. At some point we will need 200 people to commit and engage in question and answer discussions on the thread to show that the Hive community will actually use their site for this kind of open forum Q & A discussions.
If we meet our objective in this next stage then i believe we will get our own subdomain name. In the URL instead of we will have a HIVE subdomain on their site like...
You can see Ethereum's subdomain and how active their community is here...
So, it's really about getting set up over there for more outside exposure to HIVE. It could also be a great one-stop repository of Questions with Answers that anyone could be sent to for information. Imagine helping new people onboard and rather than answering all the same questions over and over or having to find an old post about it... you could just send them over there to the question with a full discussion on the answers archived.
I hope this explanation makes sense and was helpful! If you have any more questions... i may not have all the answers, but i will do my best to find them! Thanks for your time and for your support! It's much appreciated.
Thanks for your explanation, it couldn't be better! I will try to get to know more over there, I will also invite other people who like to support the platform. It would be great if Hive had its niche there too. 👍
I need to know more about it over there myself! Thank you for caring and sharing and for calling in the big guns! It's much appreciated!
Yesterday I cannot vote cause My Internet here had a Lot of troubles. But I can singup. today finnaly i could verify My mail and click the commit borrón and share this post to My personal discord and reblog here and Twitter :) blessings and all the Best My friend lml
Hey thanks brother! I do appreciate the support for the initiative! We got all the votes we need... now just that commitment and engagement will get us to the finish line! Thank you again for caring and sharing and for helping do your part!
Your welcome. I really apreciate your effort to share this yesterday and I try to involve since Yesterday. But well i'm really glad that You get the votes. I hope a Lot of people can do this! My Best wishes
Hi, I hadn't read about it, and honestly I don't understand much about subdomains and stuff like that. But of course I'm willing to support the platform with any vote wherever. Before I would like to ask you some questions since I see that you know a lot about it.
Until when do I have a chance to support?
How does it benefit the platform?