Many of us already heard about the good news about @splinterlands partnership with Warnermusic to develop a 'play-to-earn' games. We all knew that splinterlands is built on top of Hive, and some of us are thinking if how this partnership can have a beneficial effect on Hive.
We are still waiting for the announcement from Warnermusic for more details on their project, however, I am hopeful that whatever it is, it can have direct or indirect benefits for the Hive ecosystem.
I am thinking to promote Hive under coindesk post about the great news, warnermusic Twitter handle and @elitanjourno is tagged on this one tweet, so we can hit three birds on one stone if we can make an engagement on this tweet.
If we are not familiar, what is warnermusic?
- Their Twitter followers is 596K
The third biggest music rightsholder in the world, Warner Music Group (WMG) runs its global operation from headquarters based in Manhattan, New York.
Tweet Link
I have done my tweet participation on this tweet so I guess it is now your part to shill our Hive :)
We can do tweet reply or quote retweet
Please make our tweet as helpful as possible
Please like other Hive tweets under this post as well
Do not include any hashtags, and refrain from using the same graphics as our tweets has a higher chance of being shadowbanned
And anything I forgot to mention, please feel free to do you think is best :))
Please screenshot or leave the link below for bonus HBD tips or some upvotes from for our participation
If you are not aware of how we are doing here, kindly check our post
Hive is Alive!
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tip sent :)
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good idea
let me help
thanks for the help
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