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RE: Call to Action! Jack Dorsey explains his project called BlueSky and he is basically describing HIVE!

in HivePosh4 years ago

What a great community action call, @theycallmedan and @hiro-hive!

Here is my reply to @hiro-hive's tweet:

This one goes for @jack's tweet:

#hive around with us, @jack

March 31, 2021— Strawberry Love (@LAntonovici)

~~~ embed:1377229332037447686 twitter metadata:TEFudG9ub3ZpY2l8fGh0dHBzOi8vdHdpdHRlci5jb20vTEFudG9ub3ZpY2kvc3RhdHVzLzEzNzcyMjkzMzIwMzc0NDc2ODZ8 ~~~