I recently came across this post https://peakd.com/hiveposh/@instytutfi/promote-hive-on-facebook-using-profile-photo-frame#@theycallmedan/qn3epe by @instytutfi and thought it was a great idea.
I want to incentivize the profile photo frame promo on Facebook with upvotes!
To participate, dust off your old Facebook profile and follow the instructions in the above post. When you're finished, take a screenshot of your Facebook profile picture with the "Meet Me At Hive.Blog" profile banner and post the picture in the comments below for an upvote.
My proof of POSH:
All rewards from this post will be turned liquid and used in future Hive Posh contests.
I use the Polish version (also created by @instytutfi).
To promote Hive, I also run a fb page.
It is a page in Polish, supported by the Polish Hive community #polish.
Please How do I do that?
You need to edit the details on your profile...
... add a job...
...and add links from Hive as your site.
I use the Polish version. Also created by @instytutfi
may i add -> join the hive Facebook groups and like Hive facebook page too while you are there!
& for Spanish https://www.facebook.com/groups/hiveblockchainesp
here is my profile pic =)

Keep on doing what your doing!
Namaste 🙏
Вижте @theycallmedan прави много инициативи от който може да спечелите Hive само за малко промоционални услуги. Сменете Frame на профила си и качете screenshot тук за да получите глас от @theycallmedan
@jizel.gencheva @motomojo @vaniy @ivangeevo @tbabachev @sneji79 @alicewonderyoga @koychev22 @laracrofttt @harmony.art
Ето както всички може да видите стойността НА този коментар само с извършване на дадено действи и комуникация може да се правят токени/пари.
Удряйте по един лайк като ви отбелязвам някъде за нещо подобно дори и на 1% да е защото няма смисъл да е на 100% трябва стойността на коментара да е повече от 0.02 за да се изплати инъче ще загуби коментар.
Hive on ;)
@arena10 @selena14 @beatrix070707 @lyubo19 @titofit @motomojo @laracrofttt @alicewonderyoga @ivangeevo @tbabachev @jizel.gencheva @vaniy @borislavzlatanov @harmony.art @sneji79
Даже успя да гласуваш негативно ;)@harmony.art
Извинявай....още се уча ... съжалявам
Споко просто казвам може да се поправи грешката :) намираш червения триъгалника и го сменяш с син ;)
Нещо не ми отваря линка от поста на dan
Над коментара трябва да виждаш нещо като view original post или просто влез в неговия профил.@ivangeevo
На мен нищо не ми зарежда от линковете...
Кое мъчиш драко?
Това със снимката в някоя мрежа...
Не разбрах драко...
Posted using Dapplr
Thanks for using your influence here on the platform to promote this photo frame! Let's all meet on HIVE! :)
Facebook Profile
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Ah yah I am a sucker for these fun promo opportunities. Done!
Keep 'em coming and lets mobilize the Hive Decentralized Militia!
A Hiver in the Philippines
Mabuhay 🇵🇭
My FB profile isn't completely dust covered, as my WordPress blogs auto post to my writers profile (aka fan) page, and I'm an admin for a friends group. I'm essentially hanging around in the hopes I can eventually move that community (23K members at the moment) over here. However, it's a great idea to spread the word of where to find me in case I get booted before that.
And since fan pages aren't able to use frames (least not that I could see), I also "framed" my page profile pic (which is the same as my Hive) on my personal, saved the picture, then uploaded it to my fan page. Oh, and added the PeakD link to my blog in both photo descriptions. 😁
EDITED TO ADD: And why stop at FB? 🤣
What an excellent idea, there is my participation
My profile link
Great idea @instytutfi !
Posted using Dapplr
I shall not be left out 😎

I'm in!! ;)

I had to join in as well, we need to spread awareness that HIVE exist as much as possible.
Here is a screenshot of my profile pic:
This is awesome! I went and changed me, it worked flawlessly!
Thanks @instytutfi
In other news....Dan's got a Facebook account and hasn't been shut down yet? Living dangerously in Zuck's world man lol
They're not gonna take us all down! ; >
@lurisya y @katteaguilera les invito a que usar este maravilloso marco👏👏
This is my My proof of POSH:

done! 😛
thank you @instytutfi, @theycallmedan and @mciszczon ❤️
My proof of POSH
My Facebook profile link.
Great idea
My Facebook account: AYI JUFRIDAR. Thanks so much to @theycallmedan and @instytutfi. Keep healthy and keep Hive.
Just Done So, Love It
Checked out the main post and it's a niece idea to sell hive more . We could do this on other social networks too

Excelente forma de promover.

@kismeri @keisslermt
Wow. It is very nice initiative.
Here is my participation
Great idea. Done
This is my proof of POSH
Also for Twitter (just snipped my Facebook profile)
I try not to use the horrible site, but I do have a link on there - it probably gets one hit a month or more. Maybe.
Count me in
Why had we not thought about that before? 😁🤗
Excellent way to promote #Hive
What a nice initiative @theycallmedan, thanks for making Hive such a great project.
Done, always share my content in FB..!
My FB profile photo hahaha...
At last he is known and what a beautiful lady accompanies him. 😜☺️
Here is my profile update with an additional invitation to join hive using my referral link.
If people request more information, I have a training program in Spanish for their successful entry. Thank you for your initiatives and support. @theycallmedan
I did it..
Previously I also often shared links to my hive posts on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and some of my other social media pages. I keep campaigning hives to people.
As always, we carry out admirable campaigns for the growth of our home. Thank you @theycallmedan