The Steem Torch has been passed to gtg

in Steem Torch5 years ago

The Steem Torch has been passed!

The torch contains 1205.0 STEEM@glass.wolf passed the torch on to @gtg

As of right now, the torch has been passed 277 times.

What is the Steem Torch Experiment?

You can read about it here but to quote @geekgirl's original post.

Steem Torch is an experiment to demonstrate the speed and trust in transferring value on Steem social network.

Steem Torch Keeper is a user who received a Steem transfer with "Steem Torch Experiment..." memo and is about to pass it to the next user.


The torch came back to me, so i sent it further again. That's basically all of the story

what number are we trying to hit?

 5 years ago  


This will take me a while because I'm trying to comply with rule 5 (I'm waiting for confirmation from potential Keeper).

how can you trust me?

I just simply don't :-)