Nigeria Safety report (IndiaUnited Weekly Contest #17)

in Indiaunited7 months ago

I come from a country full of milk and honey, a country where the soil is good for agriculture. Blessed with gold,oil, natural gas, zinc, tin ore, managanese, granite, laterite, limestone, coal and many more. A country without a single record of nature disaster, the only one that happens once in a while is flood, is a result of mismanagement and poor mentananse of dams.

hungry people are angry people, angry people make the community unsafe

As blessed as the country is, mismanagement of resources has turned the economy upside down, leaving the country with a lot of hungry citizens and increased crime rate over the past two decades. Kidnapping, harmed robbery, car hijacking, jungle justice, murder and other crimes that are coursed as a result of desperation to be rich and wealthy.

Never the less, Nigeria is a safe place

Yes people get kidnapped often while travelling from state to state, people get robbed at gunpoint, people get murdered and the likes but while looking at everything from a wider scale, Nigeria is safer than most countries in the world.

Image source

Although the crime rate has increased, Nigeria is still a safe country in comparison to other countries where terrorists have more power to move around with guns and ammunitions amongst citizens, also safer than countries where guns are licensed to just anybody. In Nigeria, people don't walk on the street killing people anyhow, or communities waging war against one another.

Generally, Nigerians are not violent people. Even though they get way too low than what they deserve from the government, and get angry sometimes which may lead to protests, they still don't get out of control because nobody wants to die. The highest they do is to loot stores. This is definitely not the solution to the problem, but it is better than starting war and killing people all around.

I definitely would love to travel somewhere else, but trust me it's not mainly for security reasons because, these things I mentioned happens around the world, even at higher scale.

God bless Nigeria

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