Well you'd be in luck with Ireland. There aren't many cities. And those that they call a city are nothing compared to the cities in most other European countries.
The ONLY place I'd ever consider to move to in Ireland would have been County Clare. Before coming here that is. Clare has lots of expats and they all look out for each other. If you'd have to depend on your Irish neighbours for anything, you'd be out of luck. They wouldn't put you out if you were on fire.
The Irish who travel are different from those who never travelled. And those who travel will agree with me. In my 10 years there, I haven't met one, not a single one, who I'd trust as far as I could throw them. They're really nice to your face, but when push comes to shove, they're so twisted within their own ways, and they'd always take the side of the other Irish. We were always the foreigners. Even though my son was born there. Even my kids had no Irish friends. On one side that's fine because they're not missing anyone. But sad at the same time. If the kids' parents didn't go to school with their parents, they just didn't fit in. For you it may be easier because you don't have kids. But I'd definitely check into County Clare, or maybe the Dublin area (not the city), because there'll be more like minded people there who'd have your back.
We love Mexico. Yeah, it's corrupt but so is Ireland. Maybe even more so. The difference is that here everyone knows it's corrupt. In Ireland everyone pretends it's not...
Also, Northern Ireland would be a great option if you have the chance to go there. The people are just a lot different there. Not hiding behind their religion, their past and their heritage like the Irish in the Republic do. You'll get more straightforward people there. Unlike in the Republic, where everything and everyone is sideways and backwards.
Good luck on your journey! Wherever you end up.