Hi hivers,
I visited our farm to see the improvement of the melon there and I saw that the euEgusi seeds come from the Egusi gourd, which looks very similar to a watermelon. Unlike a watermelon, however, the Egusi fruit gourd is bitter and not edible, so these gourds are grown primarily for their seeds. These seeds are similar in size to small pumpkin seeds and a bit creamier in flavor.
Egusi seeds are rich in vitamin A, which is crucial for forming and maintaining healthy bones. In addition, Egusi seeds are high in vitamins B1 and B2, which are both important for growth and the production of red blood cells. There’s a high concentration of vitamin C, too, which helps the body absorb iron and maintain healthy tissue. Finally, Egusi seeds are also high in Niacin, which helps maintain healthy skin.
Your farm is doing nicely and the output looks very rich.
Yes it is, thank you for stopping by but am just worried because is likely a building will be erect there sooner, so it will be difficult to get another place because here is a city already.
Ooopppsss. Well, erecting a building is one of the good use cases for a Land and if the building project can be executed as soon as possible, you may still find a decent space around a building for cultural purposes.
Yeah sure