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RE: Why we decided to unschool our children

in Unschooling4 years ago

Yeah, my kids aren't used to wear mask at all, which I think is a good thing.

If you want some cool (not free) programs, check abcmouse or readingeggs. It's playful, and the kids don't even know that they are working haha


How old are your kids?

We have 3, but let's focus on the ones going to (home)school. My son is 7 and his sister is 5, going to be 6 in September but we started grade 1 last year for her. You might have mentioned it, but how old is your son?

We have 3 boys. They are 6,7 and 9. All home schooled :)

Oh 3 too! That's the magic number! 4 ain't bad neither 😁
They have a nice age difference, good job!