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RE: Electroculture basics: harvesting terrestrial & cosmic energy with magnets, cables & antenna pt2

Hello there @samstonehill
This is some very interesting info. But I was wondering what would happen if you placed rods at the corner of each bed in line with the cardinal directions. Copper wire in the soil with magnets, copper wire up each rod then over to a central rod where all the wires meet. Has anyone tried that ? Only reason I've thought about this is, I read a book by Robert Monroe who speaks of the copper pyramid accelerating someones ability to dream awake.


In my head I am seeing what you describe as a tent shape. Something like this, but more in line with the Great Pyramid dimensions in the roof.

Screenshot 2023-04-27 at 07.55.04.png

Magnets are only effective if the metal cables which run through them sync up with north/south. Haven't heard about anyone capturing east/west energy before. But one magnetised cable running north/south through the earth in the middle of the structure with connecting cables to all the legs would work.

Even without the magnets the structure alone cannot avoid having an effect on the environment around it. Especially if there is copper involved.

Has someone tried it? No idea. Probably not! You could be the first ;)

Don't forget to post about it here in this community...