Hi Sam, thanks for sharing the course on how to use antennas to increase fertility. Really helpful! And yes, I'm curious as to what your final results will look like by using the Lakosvky technique. I already subscribed to your electroculture community and I'm looking forward to your experiments.
Now back to your question: I'm not using an iron rod or an antenna, instead I'm using an iron wire with magnets at both ends. I learned this from a German ranger who is well known in the DACH electroculture community. Here's the tutorial (make sure you enable the subtitle as the video is in German) - from BaumMentor Baumpflege
The wire has to be placed max. 50 m from the tree for it to work. See how he places the wire at minute 13:26.
Many thanks for the film! Always great to see other people getting on with this in their own way. Am familiar with this technique and funnily enough I have one next to one of those cherry trees I mentioned. These days I make my own devices with beeswax & magnets. The only thing I am confused about is that you say you put magnets at both ends? I don't see the German ranger doing this and certainly this is the first time I've ever heard about that. Are you sure this is correct?
I used the magnet only on one end and to straighten the iron wire out under the ground I used small wood parts on both ends as the ranger showed it in his video. Typo above. Good catch!
Okay great! Just checking ;)