Since learning how to build orgonite pyramids a few months ago I have discovered that the majority of devices in this quickly growing marketplace are predominantly useless at best, dangerous at worst. Aesthetics and the cost of production have become more important than functionality and most creators hold the goal of money as their intention while they make them, ultimately not understanding the power of the machine they are creating. Nor I suspect do they have any idea about the history behind this device, which I will describe for you in this post.
Take Sabrina's recent creation for example.
It is undeniably beautiful and the strong intention she had while she made it for her mother combined with the small amount of copper and mixed crystals in there will no doubt have a positive effect. Moreover, now that she has a design template for this she could probably make ten pyramids a day and sell them on Amazon or Etsy for €50 a piece. But is this truly what orgonite is supposed to be? A business selling pyramids which are around 75% epoxy resin?
And let's not make this about Sabrina! Even my own first attempt suffers from the same problem.
Mostly it is full of resin and I cannot in good conscience call this a machine built for functionality. Yet a functional machine is what I desire, so something needs to change.
What follows is a brief description of the related history along with my personal conclusions and finally a step by step DIY description of how to build one yourself.
The evolution of a questionable industry
Karl Welz was the first person to coin the term orgonite in the 1980s. His early experiments to create an Orgone generator (as opposed to Reich's Orgone accumulator) were with iron filings and he ultimately recommended using powder to increase conductivity within the organic medium. Yet today almost no one uses iron powder because it is heavy, expensive and doesn't look reflective and pretty like aluminium shavings. It is said Welz was influenced by Franz Anton Mesmer who in 1766 published 'The influence of planets on the human body' and later went on to establish a system of healing which involved the patient swallowing a liquid containing iron powder before placing magnets on the body. I can trace this subject as far back as 1621 to Jan Baptist van Helmont who published 'Magnetic treatment of wounds', influencing the later work of Mesmer.
In the 1950s Wilhelm Reich had recommended avoiding aluminium altogether in the creation of Orgone accumulators yet today there are so many orgonites and cloudbusters with aluminium as their core metal, simply because it is convenient. You can just cut cans into pieces!
Don Croft was the first person to take Reich's Orgone accumulator and combine it with Welz' Orgone generator (setting the copper accumulator within an orgonite block), which in principle seems like a great idea, taking away all danger of accumulated DOR (deadly Orgone). But he recommended using aluminium shavings in the resin, arguing that Reich's aluminium statement has been misunderstood and that Welz used powder primarily for his radionics devices and not for orgonite.
Following on from the work of Croft, Mitch the Orgone donor created an even cheaper alternative by using aluminium tubes for his Induction chembuster. I had intended to build his described machine exclusively due to the accessible price tag, but having looked deeper into this subject I intend now to build something even better.
I don't at all want to take away from the ongoing gifting projects and good intentions behind the work of Don & Mitch but there is something out of place about all of this. It was simply too easy to find them. The search engine led me right to them. And only now in hindsight can I say why:
Those who are selling potentially dangerous or ineffective devices have been permitted to shine online. While those who are selling functional devices will not be so easy to find. Don't be under any illusions about how the internet works these days. Certainly you will not see anything which resembles a fully functional machine on Amazon or Etsy.
Let us not forget that Croft simply wanted to make this technology available to as many people as possible. Just like Mitch. Which in itself is an honourable intention but perhaps this is not the kind of game in which corners should be cut, even if the machine appears to work fine upon doing so. Consistent functionality & safety is more important than instant results.
In 2018 Croft died in a paragliding accident (karma?) so I am unable to quiz him further. Only review his old notes which have been immortalised on this forum by his wife Carol. As a side note, neither of them looked particularly healthy and I find it hard to believe their machines were aiding their physical bodies. Which they should be if they are working right!
Karl Welz on the other hand looked more like a man who really had invented a machine to enhance life-giving energy.

Mitch the Orgone donor is the only man described here who is still alive so I wrote him an email three months ago with questions relating to iron/aluminium issue but he never got back to me. I know we all live busy lives but it seems to me that when you hold that kind of power (Mitch is basically the top guy in the world right now for this kind of thing) you should respond to your emails.
Anyway, he didn't respond and I remain unconvinced by Croft's arguments. Like @woelfchen, I feel as if one should build on the original ideas to find the most effective way forward, especially when one is making something as powerful as a cloudbuster.
And so, it is with great pleasure that I present to you now my first attempt at a functional orgonite, which is a prelude to the cloudbuster. And I thank @woelfchen for his help along the way. Am sending him my best wishes.
The basalt pyramid
Before I created the iron pyramid I did a test run using basalt. It is a paramagnetic rock and when formed into a pyramid shape I have no doubt it will do something beneficial for plants.
The first thing I did was to coil copper around my selected quartz. Clockwise from the bottom to send the energy upward. This is the heart of the machine.
I also made another copper spiral for the front, connecting it to the quartz spiral.
A closer look here.
In goes the basalt and resin...
...and a few days later I had this.
Am not too fussed about the bubbles in this case but as you can see the front spiral is completely lost in the basalt. Technically this machine doesn't really need the front spiral but I am keen to put it there anyway, to give the pyramid a unique and more powerful feel to it.
The iron pyramid
My solution was to drop a small amount of resin onto the front spiral with the mold set at an angle to stop it running out.
I also placed a small amethist at the centre, before leaving it one day to dry. Please note this is just for effect, rather than function.
Here is the iron powder I am using. From Germany.
And here is the copper spiral I intend to put at the base. Again, I don't really need this but would like it there anyway.
In my last post @ifeherart pointed out to me that the Nazca Lines feature very similar spirals.
Which is amazing! Evidently this type of spiral holds some significance.
Perhaps this is why I feel instinctively drawn towards it?
Here you can see me measuring out the correct two part resin mix.
We've had a few disasters recently with pyramids which ended up looking like this, so absolute precision is required for the resin mix ratios.
Unlike the previous attempt I made this one in two layers. With the first layer I created a little pyramid at the top and left it to dry half a day.
Can you see the little face smiling at me? Love little moments like this ;)
Here is our horizontal drying area, complete with a sign to keep sticky little fingers off the surface of the resin!
I prepared my terminated quartz with its copper spiral.
And placed it into the setting resin with this white tack above to hold the crystal upright.
Then I added the rest of the resin and iron powder, filling it to the brim and adding the Nazca spiral as the cherry on the cake.
The front spiral looks great now and I like the way there is a small separation between the two layers, giving it a capstone feel at the top.
Can't really see the amethist though. Which is fine of course because it isn't part of the functional machine. Just surface cosmetics.
My skills as a 'sensitive' are still in development but certainly it feels good in my hands. Much heavier than I expected.
It spent its first night under my bed and my dreams were unquestionably different, taking me to unfamiliar yet enjoyable places.
Final thoughts
In my research for this article I came across what appears to be the best description available for what orgonite actually is. I will copy it for you now:
“…Dr. Reich found that organic materials attract and hold orgone energy, while non-organic metals simultaneously attract and repel the energy.
Orgonite is based on these two principles. It is a 50-50 mix of resin (organic, due to the fact that it is based on petrochemicals), and metal shavings (inorganic). A quartz crystal is also added to the orgonite mix. This is because of its piezoelectric properties, which means that it gives off a charge when it is put under pressure (resin shrinks when it is cured, so constant pressure is put on the quartz crystal).
Due to the fact that the elements contained in orgonite are constantly attracting and repelling energy, a “scrubbing” action takes place, and along with the charge that the crystal gives off, this cleans stagnant and negative energy, and brings it back to a healthy, vibrant state.”
And so, in order to achieve a 50/50 mix with the resin/metal one simply cannot have empty spaces of pure resin within their device. Nor I would argue can they have shavings in place of powder because it simply isn't possible to achieve the 50/50 mix this way. Even the copper spiral around the quartz is perhaps unnecessary because at its base only three things are essential in this machine: an organic medium, suspended metal particles and a quartz crystal.
Have never much liked the idea of a petrochemical product as the organic medium and it seems to me that beeswax would be a much more natural alternative. One only has to look at the stuff to see its incredible power.
As noted by Yannick VD, beeswax is also a natural cosmic antenna (you could also say an Orgone antenna), so would further increase the effectiveness of the machine. The problem of course is that your wax will become soft in the summer and this may cause your device to shift around and change in some way. (The cloudbuster tubes rely on a solid medium at the base to hold them upright).
Just in the last few days I had the idea to mix clay powder with the wax and achieve the correct balance to prevent it from melting when hot. Have looked online but I cannot see anyone else doing this, so it would appear that I will be breaking boundaries with my cloudbuster. Which is great!
Continued intuitive development is essential in any field which does not provide the means to measure effectiveness.
With that said I will do my best in the next post to show you comparative results using cups of frozen water resting on the pyramids. Theoretically I should be able to prove that one pyramid is more effective than another by the way the water freezes.
Let's find out...
Love & Light everyone 🌱
Looks like the Nazca spirals are still under research. According to this website, "While these lines remain an enigma, the new study has revealed that puquios - spiralling holes that sink into the ground- were part of a complex system used to irrigate crops in this desert land".
"These spiral structures formed a ventilation system that channeled wind to a network of underground canals used to irrigate crops and bring water where there were no springs or streams".
Thanks for the link! These puquios look a lot like dew ponds to me and I would say there is no mystery here. Water collects on them in the mornings and runs down into the centre, automatically feeding the canal system and ultimately the plants. It is an old technique, not used much any more, to get water where there is none. They don't want the average person knowing about this technique because they are trying to uphold the perception that water is a precious resource in short supply on planet earth. Only in this way will they continually be able to pump the prices up.
This is fascinating.
I've known about the Orgone Machine & Reich for a while, but didn't know about these.
I'll have to save this for further reading.
A friend actually gave me a piece of Quartz just like the one pictured about with a metal spiral around it. But instead of brass/copper I think it's aluminum/stainless.
He actually mentioned the healing properties at the time.
Great that you found this post!
Even better that you are already sporting a quartz crystal with a metal spiral. Your friend is ahead of the game.
No question about it, orgonite does have an effect. It is actually measurable in ice. See this post if you want to know what that looks like.
All the best on your journey!
Hey thanks, I will check it out.
So cool, I like that you're doing all this research while building also. I think you're on to something.
If it wasn't for the wisdom of @woelfchen I would have built the cloudbuster already, but it feels like this blockchain is a team of sorts and his warnings led to a bunch more research. And now I feel better about the journey ahead.
The ice tests started yesterday and I can tell you there is an effect for sure! Just wish I had a bigger freezer ;)
Funny video. You are the third person to send it to me ;)
Hollywood/music industry mind control. When I say the word cloudbuster it makes many people think of this video and ultimately dismiss the idea as ridiculous.
The first person who sent it to me was an old friend from school who is now a commercial pilot. He sent it with the sarcastic words "I will switch off my chemtrails next time I pass over your region". Alas his MTV mind cannot accept the reality of chemtrails or easily constructible machines which clean the air.
it is so crazy - everyone I talk about this stuff always asks me about that music ^^
Decades old mind control is the strongest. No doubt we will both hear about this song plenty more in the future!
Wow! Very interesting! I did wonder about those cloud busting and ogornite pyramids, I saw on sale, many years ago. There was no way to prove whether they really worked except by watching their videos. So, I never followed up on the matter. I stumbled on crystal healing by chance and found that I could talk to many stones, they cooperated with my wishes. I could draw pain out of my friend’s shoulder by using a quartz wand. But I stopped getting involved deeply with crystal healing as I, by chance, encountered the karmic reasons for certain illnesses. Old debts had to be paid up, no matter how many lifetimes had passed. Unless the person was very spiritual and did lots of good karma with lovingkindness towards all sentient beings, only then would those aggrieved spirits from the past be appeased. I often saw people from my past lives, whom I had killed or injured, appearing in my dreams while lying helpless in bed! So, I could not offer healing to friends without permissions any more.
Your practical rendition of abstractions is a precious gift! Hope that your ‘guides’ would open doors for the successful outcome of your works.
Your words are poignant and they fit completely with the teachings of The Mahabharata. Old debts follow us. But great actions in this life free us!
Am interested to learn more about how you were able to draw pain out of your friend's shoulder with the quartz wand. I would like to try this. Am talking to bugs & plants a lot these days so it makes sense I would also talk to my crystals! Thanks for the pointer.
Interesting to see what the results are. Thanks for sharing your research! I hope it pays off!
The funny thing about the 'pay off' is that it is already happening. I set about learning how to build an orgonite cloudbuster in order to harmonise the atmosphere here and get some much needed rain. And since then it has rained pretty regularly! Did we do this with our orgonite making??? Hard to say, but for sure something has changed around here. With that said I will not sway from the ultimate goal of functional cloudbuster. This is coming soon...
I like your determination! Good luck with it!
wow that is fascinating! so cool
@tipu curate
Upvoted 👌 (Mana: 60/70) Liquid rewards.
Am pleased you found it interesting.
Next step is to prove it is working!
The ice tests are coming...
This purports to be a free energy circuit for cell phone charging purposes.
Looks amazing! Many thanks for sharing. Can you share the original video please. Would like to take a closer look.
It reminds me that I still need to set up my earth battery in the garden and see how much power I can get from it. Charging a small time-lapse camera (watching the growth of plants) is the goal.
Last time I checked I wasn't able to find the video. Looks like it has been taken down from YouTube, that's why I took the screenshots. It may be posted somewhere else--if I find it I will post. It showed a cell phone receiving a charge signal and charging with the free energy device.
very nice :3 also the words
@tipu curate
A most interesting journey this has been. Very grateful for your role in it.
The weirdest part is that the closer I get to building the cloudbuster, the more things I find which provide alternative ways to get this job done. Have you heard of boiling vinegar to clear the skies? Apparently it is a thing. Just need to make a ton of vinegar now and I will put the idea to the test.
Have also learned that the essence of certain flowers can be used to interact with the environment. Flowers which like the sun will attract sun. While flowers which like rain will attract rain. These essences can be added to your boiling vinegar. Or perhaps, as I will try, they can simply be left in the sun to evaporate with the heat of the day?
Getting some stunning results from my new orgonite :)
I would say this baby works!
hahaha yeah the vinegar is an old trick to help clear the atmosphere :)
plants I use mainly for healing, I do all kind of extracts with DMSO :)
plants are a true gift (but Im not vegan)
your progress is just fantastic! thank you very much for all your work, research, learning and especially sharing that progress with us all :) !
most do not even try cuz they in the first place only think of being ridiculed
at the latest when they have some struggles, problems, learn something new - often then they have to jump over their shadow
we are all learning
and you are very fast in it ;) and open
all looks very good :>
Massively appreciate your kind words here.
I do what I can with the faculties and time I have been gifted in this life.
Plants really are a gift hey.
Amazing you know the vinegar trick already! Found a loaded plum tree today which will become my first attempt at this. They should be ripe in a week. And I will make a load of vinegar!
Am curious to know more about DMSO. I think it could be helpful for my mother as she gets older.