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RE: I took my dowsing rods to a family party and made some very interesting discoveries

Now this might answer a few questions as to why plants and trees perform better in certain places in the garden while others don't.

Absolutely. Since I learned how to do this I have seen time and time again how when I have a row of plants and one section of the row isn't doing well this because there is a line running through them. And no amount of electroculture devices can save them.

But rather than not plant anything on the lines I recommend trying out different things there till you find something which likes it.

Have fun!


Totally agree. I like to rotate plants (e.g. one year tomatoes and the next year I'll put onions) as it's also beneficial for the soil to recover and remineralise. Furthermore, I discovered that keeping berries in particular blackberries, raspberries and red currants together, as in close to each other helps.