Boat Life Photo Dump

in Hive Harbourlast year

This was the sunset after the epic windstorm that hit over 36 knots just recently! Was a great sight too see after fearing for my life, watching other boats drag, while I had no running engine to save myself with if I dragged. Well I wasn't actually afraid for my life, but that's because I did everything I could to make sure my anchor was secure, while I also had a second anchor prepared if the first one began too drag.

This is one of the crows that I'm befriending. It regularly lands on my boat, and even knocks on the deck to get me to come out and feed it some nuts.

This is the pair of ducks that have obviously been fed by humans a little too much, as they are unbelievably friendly, and show up whenever me or my neighbour are out on deck. Of course I can't lie, I feed them too, but only healthy thing, rather than bread like most people give them.

Since I switched from diesel heat, to wood, I no longer pay to heat my boat! However I have to frequently go find said free wood, and haul it back to my boat. This was probably my biggest haul I've done by myself, without the help of my friend with a motor who usually tows my dinghy full of wood behind us. I usually just grab wood from a prop / stage building facility on Grandville Island, where they let you take their cut offs from a bin they save for us live-aboards. I also grab pallets from the near by back alleys, since there are tons of retail places near by that just toss them when they're done. I use the longboard like a dolly to bring the pallets back to the dock, since carrying it even a few blocks would be very difficult.

Thanks for enjoying my post, and visiting Hive Harbour!

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