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RE: Do Vampires Suffer an Existential Crisis?

in Scholar and Scribe9 months ago

Hello my dear @kemmyb,

You really must believe me when I say most of the book was not of the same quality. These pieces are 'genuine'--I wasn't pretending but was speaking in my own voice, expressing ideas that interest me. Most of the book is 'pretend'...I was trying to figure out what people would like to read. Not genuine at all. First of all, I don't read what most people read. And, I'm not interested in stuff that interests most people. I think for writing to be effective it really needs to be genuine.

I'm so happy you liked these pieces. I wanted to get them out. They languished in the pages of that book, and I didn't want them to do that. I'm very grateful that Scholar and Scribe accepts work that is a little unconventional. It's a great freedom the community offers writers.

Thank you so very much for your kind words and for taking the time to read a very lengthy blog. I hope you are looking forward to a pleasant, peaceful, and creatively productive weekend.