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RE: The Hunter's Instinct, Chapter 5: A Damsel in Distress

in Scholar and Scribe3 years ago

I think this time it will not be unanimous.... For my part, without any hesitation, but with few convincing arguments, I would put the chair in front of the door. A chair at the door is a reasonable distance from the bed and the woman's possible reactions, can prevent someone from abruptly entering, allows you to hear strange noises from the other side of the door, and is closer to the escape route. Conversely, from the door it would take longer to hear the woman, whether she wants to attack or call for help, and I'm probably blocking the escape route myself. Ok, maybe I do have doubts, but I would still put the chair in front of the door (B). !PIZZA


An astute observation, good sir! I'm working very hard to try to create decisions that could divide the community a bit more. They're all good decisions for different reasons, so it's difficult to choose the "right" one - if that choice even exists...

Thank you for your vote, sir! Looking forward to seeing how this all plays out... !PIZZA

Like life itself... we don't know if decisions are right until some time after we make them; before we make them, we just try to rationalize and simplify the complexity of the world into something we can understand. See you in the next episode. !PIZZA