Greetings, dear readers of this abandoned blog.

I've finally gathered enough courage, and 'believe' (so to speak), that I've gained some maturity as well, to come here and pour out words that sometimes stir in my head.

Please don't mind my rudimentary english. It's been a long time since I've expressed myself in written words, apart from occasional messages or reminders to close friends on my WhatsApp, but nothing as elaborate as writing in a blog.

The intention here is purely artistic and for personal venting... Maybe (it'll depend on my mood).
Nevertheless, I'll leave you with a little poem I wrote one of these days:

Sometimes we need a little purpose in life.
Something that reminds us why we keep trying.
I'm grateful for many things, but sometimes the balance of life isn't fair.
Now I write to understand what I feel, what my feelings stand out.
Sometimes we are so busy with our commitments that we can't feel, what we should be feeling.

au revoir.

Saudações caros leitores deste blog abandonado.

Finalmente criei coragem o suficiente, e "acredito" (assim por dizer), que maturidade também, para vir aqui e despejar palavras que as vezes se agitam em minha cabeça.

Não reparem no meu português rudimentar. Faz muito tempo que não me expresso em palavras escritas. Desde que sejam algum recado ou lembretes para pessoas próximas no meu WhatsApp, porém nada muito elaborado como escrever em um blog.

A intenção é puramente artística e de desabafo pessoal... Talvez (vai depender do meu humor).
Contudo, deixo um pequeno poema escrito qualquer dia desses:

Sometimes we need a little purpose in life.
Something that reminds us why we keep trying.
I'm grateful for many things, but sometimes the balance of life isn't fair.
Now I write to understand what I feel, what my feelings stand out.
Sometimes we are so busy with our commitments that we can't feel, what we should be feeling.

au revoir.