Deep in the heart of a magical forest, there lived a young woman named Elara. She was a skilled hunter and a fierce warrior, feared by all who knew her. But despite her fearsome reputation, Elara was haunted by a deep sense of loneliness and longing. She had always felt out of place in the world, as if she were searching for something she could never find.
One day, Elara wandered through the verdant forest, Elara stumbled upon a secluded path that she had never laid eyes on before. Her curiosity piqued, she ventured down the path, delving deeper into the forest until she stumbled upon a grand and mysterious castle. The fortress was imposing and grand, with towering turrets and a moat of sparkling golden sand, yet there was an air of darkness and foreboding about it. Shadows slithered through every crevice and cranny.
Approaching the castle with caution, Elara was ambushed by a band of ruthless bandits. Despite her valiant efforts, she was outnumbered and outmatched. Just as she was about to be overcome, she was saved by a mysterious figure that seemed to move with the shadows that lurked within the castle.
With fluid, graceful movements, the figure brutally dismembered the bandits with deadly precision. Revealing himself as he removed his cloak, standing tall, he cast a piercing gaze upon Elara's unconscious form, growling deeply as he inspected her wounds to confirm that she was still alive. Satisfied, he swept her into his arms and began to make his way towards the eerie castle.
Ravenscar was a powerful and feared king, known for his ominous presence and undeniable strength. But few knew of the pure, burning passion that lay hidden within his heart. With gentle hands, he tended to Elara's wounds, using his powers to aid in her recovery. But as she awoke, she was horrified to find herself in a dark room, with not a single ray of light to be seen. Her chest heaving as her heart began to race with fear, she attempted to rise, only to find that her body would not obey her commands.
"Keep moving and you will tear open your wounds afresh."
"Who are you and why can't I see?" In an instant, candles throughout the room flickered to life, as if summoned by an unseen hand.
As her eyes adjusted to the candlelight, Elara took in her surroundings. She found herself lying on a grand bed, swathed in silk velvet sheets and plush pillows. The bed frame was crafted from dark, polished wood, intricately carved with symbols of ravens and other regal imagery. Across from the bed stood a fireplace, large enough for a person to stand within, that seemed to be kept burning at all times to provide warmth and ambiance. Above the fireplace hung a portrait of the castle's ruler, and it was then that Elara realized where she was and who had saved her. Turning to find the source of the voice, she saw him standing near a tall wardrobe made of the same dark wood as the bed frame.
"I want to see the face of my rescuer," Elara demanded.
The mysterious figure took a few steps close to the edge of the bed and said, "Your order shall not be granted with such attitude"
"And you deny me of showing my appreciation to my rescuer?" Elara said
Walking away from her towards the fireplace the mysterious figure said, "The painting on the wall gives you an answer as to who I am. I don't need your appreciation because you are mine now. Mine to care for"
Elara knew then that she had just become a prisoner in the castle. Putting her feet down on the floor she saw the floor was covered in a thick, soft rug that matched the colors of the tapestries on the walls. The room was now lit by several candelabras, and chandeliers, casting a warm and inviting glow throughout the space. Elara is now determined not to let Ravenscar defeat her. She began plotting, scheming and looking for a way to escape. Will she succeed? Will she defeat Ravenscar in his game? Or will she surrender to the Ominous king?.
This story was inspired by a poem I wrote few days ago. Here is the poem
Image is not mine but created using dreamlike aI
Thank you for reading my story, I hope you have a pleasant read!