There's Something About Kate

in Scholar and Scribe6 months ago (edited)

Dearest Thomas,

I hope this letter finds you well, as it leaves me. It has been far too long since our last correspondence, or rather, since I last wrote to you, my dear friend. My sincerest apologies. I now find myself with much to share, particularly regarding a recent lady who has captured my attention.
I have met a woman named Kate, and I must confess, she has stirred feelings in me that have long been dormant. You know well my cautious nature about women, but with her, things are different. They feel different. There is something about Kate that charms me and leaves me utterly captivated each time we see one another. Moreover, Thomas, I’m surprised she makes time for me. She holds two jobs, one as a healer and another as a psychic. I surmise she may be a nurse or a doctor. She has promised to show me her psychic work one day, a subject I have never fully grasped, yet I find myself believing her.

We met in the market of Cherryvale, Utah, on December 28th by chance. I had stopped there to trade for provisions before continuing my journey to Topeka to visit my parents. From the moment I crossed paths with Kate, I was smitten; our connection was undeniable. She was warm and welcoming. What I find most intriguing is the way her face transforms when she is deep in thought during our conversations—it is utterly captivating and draws me in all the more.

Kate has kindly invited me to meet her family at their home this weekend. It is a rather secluded estate with an apple orchard to the rear, situated in the countryside, far removed from town life. She has always spoken of her family with great affection, though she has mentioned that they are somewhat old-fashioned in their ways. I suspect they value their privacy and traditions, which has piqued my curiosity. Kate assures me there is no need for concern, as they have already reserved a place for me at the table, at the end near a makeshift wall that divides the house from their sleeping quarters.

I must say, there is an air of anticipation as I prepare for this visit. I am eager to meet her family in hopes of gaining more insight into the life she leads. At the same time, there is a certain solemnity in the prospect—perhaps it is the significance of meeting her kin, or merely the thought of venturing into unfamiliar surroundings. Whatever it is, I feel the importance of this visit, as though it marks the beginning of the rest of my life.

I shall depart tomorrow, January 13th, and will likely be out of touch until the 17th. I shall write to you then, my friend. I do wish for you to meet Kate; I believe you would find her as fascinating as I do. I suspect you might caution me to take things slowly with her, but fear not, she is the kindest heart I have ever met. I know you’d be smitten too, my dear Thomas.

Take care, my dear friend, and know that I am looking forward to sharing more with you soon.

Yours ever faithfully,

January 12, 1872

This is a fictional letter. It is written from the point of view of an unknowing next victim of The Bloody Benders

... and here we are! I know this is probably not what you envisioned. But I get "SteamPunk" ... After reading through the "Bloody Benders"... I get HP Lovecraft energy lol. Curious to see (read) what's next. From that brain of yours!


Ooo. I'm not sure if that's a good comparison or not. I've never read his work, always heard he was a racist (even for his days) so I have stayed away from him.

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had to go read about the Bloody Benders.
Interesting. hoping to see what follows next.