you know how you get prompts in Inkwell or free writes or daily prompts with shadows?
that's the same here...the prompt is the word : thread.
you can use it any way you like! hehehe
then drop the fiction into DreemPort on Thursday!
if you use ecency to write are.eligilble for ecency points
if you also use Leo might get.some nice upvotes on them through @jfuji and more of his team!
if you are one of.the top 5 ranked.k. the DreemPort challenge for your post....Scholar and Scribe will automatically make you one of their choices for the Author of the Week poll that go es.nice upvotes to the winner!
any more questions....tag ❤️😀
Got now... It's crystal clear.... Thanks ma'am...
Except those polls are only 4 users ... Yes Mrs T calls me a pedant
hahahhaa yeah I said 5 to Jfuji and he said 4...or 5!hahaha
so I'm not sure if there is a way around it??? I guess we will see lolol
lol the polls are four nominees a week (I do Silver Bloggers)
Yes there is a will so there will be a way.
maybe he takes our top 5 and chooses 4??? hahahhaa
that might be a good way!! lol
There you go!