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RE: Why Marriage means freedom.

in Scholar and Scribelast year (edited)

What I mean by economicism is the fact of reducing society simply to its economic aspect, forgetting all the other aspects such as cultural, religious, etc. Very similar to what is happening today.

Confusion arises from my point of view from the fact that economic interests are not generally mentioned in connection with religious/spiritual interests nowadays. The authorities (governments and organisations) of our time have nothing obvious in this sense that can be questioned straightforward by the people, as they do not use official religious terminology. The very act of separating the religious from the secular, then produced legislation texts and do not contain any morals (but it forces to assume/interpret them behind them). This can be seen as a blessing and a curse alike. It depends, I am afraid.

It is therefore difficult to question something that offers so little in this respect. If we take the attackers of authority, such as Julian Assange, his persecution and imprisonment is not based on the fact that he has shaken revolutionary, generally common religious faith, but that he has published state secrets that "jeopardise national/international security". The highest authority then is state authority, which can be perceived to be secular.

He is portrayed by his accusers as someone who has betrayed national secrets as well as risking single lives of the individual people named in the leaking papers. In short, he has not jeopardised people's spiritual integrity, but their physical integrity, according to those who accuse him. They argue in terms of "security architectures", as I interpret it.

US-law says:

"Whoever commits an offense against the United States or aids, abets, councels, commands, induces or procures its commission, is punishable as a principal."

Now, the confusion sets in when one asks "who is the United States?" in this case. As well as "what is the offense?". Is national security inevitably linked to the economy? Isn't economics seen as something that can be used both to put a nation in danger and to move it out of it? Aren't economics based on foreign relationships? In order to maintain those relationships, is it important to be seen as a nation of integrity? And if so, if the integrity is seen as being disturbed (offended) and therefore formulated as an indictment, is not a court needed to judge the case and to give a final decision whether it was needed that documents must have had to be leaked or not and whether the whistleblowers are guilty of what they are accused of, or not (or partly)? Now, the task of the court then must be to find out if

  • Assange committed an offense
  • and who in particular is meant by "US" in this particular case; and if it not could also be the reverse, that by the "US" also the peoples themselves are meant and could be offended since they want to expect the authorities who represent them to act integre.

If we don't want to let court happen, I am afraid that we lost trust in the bodies of government and its extended bodies. That is more than tragic.


What I think is that, nowadays, ideologies take the place of religion in politics, which determine whether this or that is right. Whether a war is justified. Whether a coup d'état, or a dictatorship, or a revolution is right or wrong.

And if so, if the integrity is seen as being disturbed (offended) and therefore formulated as an indictment, is not a court needed to judge the case and to give a final decision whether it was needed that documents must have had to be leaked or not and whether the whistleblowers are guilty of what they are accused of, or not (or partly)?

The problem is, who is going to judge, those who judge? Because if those who are in charge of doing justice have their hands dirty, no matter to which authority you appeal, be it national or international, nothing will happen.

And furthermore, if by "US" they mean people, then it would have to be seen whether the people were offended, or the representatives of the people were offended. Also, it would be necessary to see, as you say, if the representatives of the people themselves did not offend the people with their actions. This is quite likely.

I think that if we move away from the divine, and start looking for justice in men, I'm afraid we may not find it.

I think that if we move away from the divine, and start looking for justice in men, I'm afraid we may not find it.

I agree.

We, the peoples, are so identified with celebrities, politicians, the big players on the world stage that we forgot about ourselves in the sense that what is small in nature, is huge in scope (like Chesterton pointed it out). If we, the peoples don't live up to what is there and was there for a very long time (religious order) we will not get living examples of this order in the higher levels of hierarchy. We then are the victims of what we call evil while omit what can be done in our small cosmos of possibilities. This is why I find marriage and man-women relationship so important.

I very much agree with what you say. The macrocosm (big order) follows the microcosm (small order) and vice versa. The moment we forget ourselves is the moment we lose power, or maybe, our agency. But when we focus on ourselves, when we give value to the "small things", we realize that, not only do we have more power than we thought, but also that the outside has less power over us than we assumed.

I am a strong advocate of "focus on what I can control and have faith in the rest". And what I've discovered in this regard is that surrendering in terms of any external outcome is often the best way to go about things. Then results matter less, and what we do more.

"focus on what I can control and have faith in the rest"

Yes, a very good motto. :)