The MPS: Hell No (Part 1)

in Scholar and Scribe11 months ago (edited)

A new mystery! I'm actually shocked I haven't stopped this series yet and still have motivation. The only long-term story that I've kept this long for is probably the Afterlife. Well anyway, I hope you enjoy, especially with our surprise guest showing up incredibly soon!

devil boy made by zuubuki | Devil aesthetic, Demon aesthetic, Shadow  pictures

From Pinterest

Logan's POV

Whoa, I’ve never started one of these. How does this even work? Well, I guess the beginning’s probably the best place, right? Here we go.

It was almost 12 at night, and I was walking home from the grocery store. Marina had taught me that stores were always less crowded at night, and we needed a lot of stuff. Usually Marina would go, but I wasn’t busy, and David was already sleeping. Seriously, I love the guy but his sleep schedule is messed up. That partially was my fault, I was an early riser and a bull in a china shop, but still.

There weren’t many cars out, and most of the little shops were closed. Some streetlights lined the block, but not close enough that there weren’t spots of darkness and spots of light so bright I thought the sun was coming up.

I was in one of the dark spots when something hit me in the back and sent the groceries flying.

“What the hell, are you alright sir," I said, turning around sharply to face the person, but no one was there.

For a second I thought I was going insane, which wasn’t too crazy to think, but then I heard someone. “Hello Logan Wright.”

Another second, I thought the person could’ve been an invisible man like Matthew, or worse, like Griffin, but then I saw the dark figure leaning on one of the street lights.

I picked up the groceries and put the bag to the side. I had a feeling this wouldn’t end well for the produce.

“Okay, you know me. Great. I’m guessing you want something from me? What is it,” I asked. The man stood up straight. “Oh not much,” he said. “Just some info. Then I’ll be out of your hair.”

I crossed my arms. Lucky me, no one else was on the street. I was alone. “And what info would that be?” The man took a step towards me, and I noticed his shadow. Or, I noticed the horns sticking out of his shadow’s head.


I put my hand on my side, where I hid a knife. What, you can never be too careful.

I smiled. “Let me guess, you want to know what ghoul blood tastes like or something?” The demon wasn’t like the others I’d met. The others at least had a sense of humor. He just scowled at my comment.

“I need you to tell me where the demon Belphegor is,” he said. I almost laughed, and by that I mean I literally did.

“Listen buddy, if you want revenge you’re about 3 months late. He’s dead. My friend and I killed him.” The demon crossed his arms.

“You’re sure?” I nodded. I mean, I was there, it was like he burned from the inside out.

The demon didn’t seem to like my answer. He slammed me against the wall. No one was around, I noticed. Come on.

“Listen,” I tried. “I’m not lying. He’s dead.”

He wouldn’t listen. He tried to punch me, but I was able to dodge just enough for him to hit the wall instead. It didn’t hurt him though, because why would it? That’d be too easy.

I kicked him in the stomach, though I was aiming lower. He fell back a little and let go. I took out my knife, but the demon didn’t even seem fazed. He stood up straight and took out his own weapon, a dark cane.

I swung at him first, but he dodged easily, hitting me in the back. He hit me in the back of the leg and I fell to the ground. “Just tell me where he is,” the demon said, leaning near my ear.

“I told you,” I said, stabbing him in the arm. “He’s dead.” The demon took the knife out of his arm with barely a flinch. I tried to stand, but he kicked me down, his foot on my chest. I struggled to breathe, the shoe pressed too hard into my chest.

He leaned down, his face way too close to mine. “You have no loyalty to him, so I don’t get what you’re doing. But if you’re really not going to tell me…well then I don’t need you around stopping other demons do I?”

I couldn’t breathe. I couldn’t breathe. I tried to scratch at him, but I couldn’t even get my claws out, and my human nails were way too short. He dragged the knife across my cheek, not too deep to leave a lasting scar but deep enough to hurt. I yelled out. My vision was starting to get blurry, but I could still hear, kind of. There was a siren getting closer by the second.

Before I could even really tell what was going on, I felt a stabbing pain in my stomach, and then the demon was gone. Someone else came into my line of vision. I tried to hit them, but then I heard their voice.

“Logan? Logan it’s okay,” the familiar voice exclaimed, picking me up and draping my arm around his shoulder. As my vision returned I realized it was Elliot. He looked at my face, then down. I did the same and saw it, the stab wound on my side. “Ouch,” I said, trying to lighten the mood. It didn’t really work. Elliot just looked more concerned than ever.

He laid me inside the police car. “Get him to the hospital, right now,” he said to a cop I didn’t recognize. He then turned to me, face softening. “Hey, do you need me to call anyone?”

I nodded. “David. And Marina.” But before Elliot even was able to say Okay I passed out.

David’s POV

“David, you need to calm down,” Marina said, noticing my knee had been bouncing for the past 10 minutes. I tried my best to stop it, but it was like my body didn’t want to listen to me. I rubbed a hand over my face. “Sorry Marina. I just…I don’t know what happened.”

She gave me a sympathetic smile. “No one except Logan knows what happened David. We’ll find out when they let us see him.”

Unable to sit down, I stood up and began pacing. “But he’s in critical condition. What if something goes wrong and he-” I couldn’t finish my sentence.

Marina stood up. “Don’t think that. He will be alright, I know he will be.” I wasn’t arguing with her, not about something like this. Not that I argued with her often, she was usually right.

A doctor opened the door and went up to us. “Well, your friend is doing better. He may need some sleep as of now, but he should be fine for visitors in about an hour.”

I let out a deep breath. “Thank God,” I muttered to myself. Marina smiled. “Thank you for telling us.” The doctor nodded and left the room.

I looked at Marina, who’s entire face was brighter now. I probably looked the same, hell, I know I did. But at this rate, I couldn’t imagine what I’d do without Logan. He showed me all this, he was the reason I wasn’t in prison for murder. If something happened, something that I was powerless to stop-

Before I knew it, an hour had passed. I wasn’t waiting another minute. I stood up, Marina behind me. She told me to relax, but that seemed impossible at the moment.

The doctor in Logan’s room didn’t try to stop me, as if he knew exactly what was going on. Logan was still laying down, but his blue eyes were open. Seeing us, his lips twisted into what I could only describe as him attempting to smile. “David, Marina…you’re here.” He tried to sit up but winced.

Marina gently made him lay back down. “Relax and just tell us what happened.” Logan seemed hesitant but he nodded. He looked at the doctor who was checking over some devices. I understood and turned to him.

“I’m sorry, but can you leave us alone for a minute? My friend here is just very shy,” I said. The doctor looked at Logan one more time before nodding and leaving the room.

Logan looked at me. “Me, shy,” he asked with a smirk. I crossed my arms. “For your sake right now I hope not. Who did this to you?” He could tell I wasn’t joking.

Logan sighed. “I was coming home from the grocery store when this guy showed up. He was a demon,” he said. He moved a little and flinched.

Marina sat down on the bed next to him. “What did the demon want,” she asked. Logan rubbed his head. “It was stupid. He said he was looking for Belphegor. He kept asking me where he was, and when I said he was dead…well you can see what happened.”

I tensed. Belphegor was dead. I had killed him, I had watched the glow from his body disappear, his life slip away. Why was this demon looking for a dead man?

Marina looked at me and then back at Logan. “What if he comes back for more answers?”

I was hoping she was wrong. I don’t want to say he looked bad, but Logan was hurt. I hadn’t known too much about how hurt he could be hurt, his vulnerability. I didn’t know what could and couldn’t hurt him. He had mentioned decapitation would kill him once, but I was pretty sure that would kill anyone. But seeing him like this, he almost seemed more human than usual.

Of course, he acted human around everyone, because compared to other monsters ghouls weren’t the most inhumane. They could pass as humans easily, and Logan had done so for years. And yet, knowing what he was, it was like it didn’t work on me. I knew he wasn’t human, that he wasn’t what was considered normal. It was like he had a glow around him. Still, it didn’t bother me. In the beginning I had been scared, but now that I really knew him, I knew him as my closest friend, and that wasn’t changing.

To think that a demon had hurt him like this, I wanted to hunt down the little monster myself. It deserved to die for what it put Logan through. I was so caught up in my thoughts I barely noticed when Marina left the room to get something from the car. I vaguely remembered her stopping to pick up some candy and stuff for Logan, but I had been too worried to really think about it.

Logan smiled at me. “David, I’m going to be fine. I’ve dealt with worse.” It took all the strength in me to not begin pacing again, and I took a deep breath. “I know. Doesn’t mean I like seeing you like this. If I was there-”

Logan put up his finger. “But you weren’t, and that’s not your fault. I shouldn’t have gone out so late without telling you and Marina. And I should’ve brought more than just a little knife.” I looked at the table next to the bed, expecting it to be there. Logan shook his head. “No, that stupid demon took it from me. Stabbed me with it too,” he said, pulling up his shirt a little to show the stab wound, now bandaged. He laughed a little. “Stabbed by my own knife. That’s kind of funny, isn't it?"

I told him he was delirious. He just laughed, which didn’t disprove my point.

I sighed. “We need to find this demon,” I said. “If he hurt you this badly, who’s to say he won’t hurt others for answers.”

Logan frowned, fidgeting with his hands. I sat down next to him. “You scared?”

He shook his head. “No, I just would rather not end up here again,” he said, motioning to the room. I smirked. “You’re scared.” Seeing Logan’s face, I stopped making fun of him.

“Listen, I won’t let him hurt you again, you know that right,” I asked. Logan looked at me in a way I had never seen him do before. Then he smiled. “I know.”

Before I could say anything else someone else spoke. “Oh that’s easier than you think. You just need to tell me where Belphegor is.” I turned to see a man I had never met before, but I could tell he was the demon who hurt Logan.

I stood up, face to face with him. “Like Logan said, Belphegor is dead, so if you want revenge you’re a little late. I’m the one who killed him.”

The demon groaned. “Do we have to do this again? Belphegor is a deadly sin. You think we’d believe he could be killed by some mortal?”

I shrugged. “It doesn’t matter what you believe. I stabbed him with a weapon dipped in holy water. That can kill you monsters, right?”

The demon stayed silent, glaring at me. He didn’t believe me, that much was clear. Silently, I was happy about that. That meant I got to beat him to a pulp.

The demon drew his cane. “You’re going to make me kill you both? Really?”

I smiled, showing him the gun on my hip. “You really think you can?”

He twisted his cane around before swinging it at me. I barely dodged and he hit the table instead. I’ll admit, I was bluffing with the gun. The room was too small, and if I missed him someone else would get hurt.

I punched the guy in the stomach and he fell back a little. I swung to hit him again but he instead hit me with his cane in the stomach. For a second I couldn’t breathe. The demon smiled, twirling his cane around his fingers.

“Really,” he asked. I groaned and stood up. The demon rolled his eyes. “Don’t know when to quit, do you?”

I grinned. “Nope.” He tried to hit me with the cane again, but this time I grabbed it before it hit me. He wasn’t expecting that.

Seeing Logan’s knife in his pocket, I grabbed it from the demon and tried to stab him. The demon dodged though, taking his cane back and hitting me across the face with it, sending me into the table next to Logan’s bed. I could feel blood dripping down my cheek.

The demon aimed the cane at my chest. Logan tried to sit up, but he couldn’t. I gave him a look that told him it was okay, that I could deal with it. He didn’t seem to believe me, but since he could barely move he couldn’t protest.

I scowled at the demon and threw the knife at him. Somehow, it hit him in the chest. He barely winced, but I saw it. Maybe I hit him in his shriveled heart.

The demon pulled the knife out of his chest and threw it on the table. Then he was gone, a puff of smoke all that was left of him.

I cursed. Logan’s hand graced my arm. “It’s okay. He’ll be back. Just breathe.” I didn’t want to, but I listened. This demon was getting on my nerves.

I stood up straight, wiping the blood off my cheek. The room was a little messy now, but it wasn’t as bad as I expected. I crouched down and picked up what looked to be a picture that must’ve fallen off Logan’s table, but when I did so I realized it wasn’t Logan’s. “Hey, check this out,” I said, showing Logan.

The picture was of Belphegor and some other people I didn’t recognize. One was a conventionally attractive man, who for some reason was wearing a crown, but Belphegor seemed to be shying away from him. Instead he had his arms around a teenager with glasses that blocked out his eyes and a man with a crooked smile. In the background there seemed to be two people behind them, but I couldn’t really tell what they looked like since they were covered in shadows. Only that one was holding a snake or something and the other had what seemed to be a shield.

Logan studied the picture. “This must’ve been from the demon. Like a bounty.” I nodded. “But who are the others,” I asked. Logan had no answer.

And then we were falling.

A bit abrupt I know, but that's how it was. I don’t know how else to describe it. Just that I was standing and then the ground seemed to disappear under me, and I was falling. Both of us were.

Only once we landed did I realize where we were falling.

Where do you think David and Logan will end up? Who are the other people in the picture? And why is the demon looking for a dead man? Find out next time! I hope you have a good day!