grocko's Picks | 5th of June 2024

in Scholar and Scribe4 months ago

Hello, fellow wonderful Scholars and Scribes! Welcome to the weekly picks! This is where we go over which pieces were submitted to the Scholar and Scribe community that stood out and made an impression. I will give my subjective review on each piece selected in hopes of stimulating creativity and reaching our ultimate goal - becoming better writers.

This is a purely prose selection. No poetry I'm afraid.


Congratulations @teknon, @jhymi, @b0s

Each will receive 25 Scholar


These are not rankings. These are not ordered. Think of them more as shoutouts - pats on the back, if you will.

With all that being said, let's kick things off with @teknon who wrote Of Friendship and Tough Choices.

The author here uses one of my favorite writing perspectives - an omniscient, unreliable narrator that goes into first person. This style is always fresh and allows the reader to relate to the characters and themes much easier than other perspectives. Especially when we have a contemporary story as we have here. It feels more like we're reading someone's journal than an actual story. That's a good thing btw. 😁

Weeks went by, and there was no trace of Excel in school. Her group's presentation was in a few days but there was no sign of her anywhere. Was she just going to show up at the last minute, surprising everyone who thought of her as much as I did, or was she just going to let thirty marks pass her by, automatically carrying over the course?

I also love this tale's pacing. The snappy nature of the dialogue, and the way the characters react with it, give the story this cinematic feel. If any of you are interested in contemporary drama, I think @teknon provides us with a superb sample. Can't wait to read the next part! 👏 Kudos.

I lowered my head, gazing at my phone's screen, lost in thoughts of how to reach her, ignoring the sermon the lecturer preached. I sighed as I dialed her number again, and it went straight to voicemail. It had been like that for the three weeks she'd missed classes. I sighed and tucked my phone back into my pocket, trying my best to get my attention back on what was being discussed in class.

Next up we got @b0s with Birdie.

And now for something completely different. Another style I feel is underrepresented on Hive is the fairy tale/middle-grade fantasy approach. In my experience, this is a very hard style to pull off, and @b0s handles it with ample tact. I could see this story adapted as a picture book or short-form cartoon. When a piece makes your imagination run as such, you know its special.

Once upon a time a time there was a not so little blue bird called Birdie. Birdie was big blue, tough and notorious for living life to the fullest. He was a wild bird and didn't abide by any rules. He simply did what he wanted and didn't do or care about what anyone said.

This type of story is my favorite. Bittersweet, sad, but with a moral at the end of it all. Something you can take away and think about in your spare time. Well executed, well thought out, and I am very glad this piece was posted in our community. Good stuff. 👏 Kudos.

Gaia is actually the spirit of the earth, Earth was the name chosen by humans but there are other names for the earth, each planet calls the earth by a name, I identify with the name Urantis, maybe on my planet that's what we call it, I don't know.

Third on the chopping block is @jhymi's Disillusioned.

Lastly, we have a staple of the community gracing us with another of her amazing works. @jhymi brings us a contemporary first-person tale that hits you right in the gut. Life does have a way of sneaking up on you, and this piece summarizes that experience with a deft touch.

Summer was in full swing. I didn’t need to be told. The sunny weather, the cool, balmy breeze, the excited chirpings of the birds, the trees swaying as they danced to the song of the wind. Everything spelt summer. Everything spelt bliss. Everything felt happy.

On a more personal note. I love the structure the author used for this short story. It is one I have contemplated using but never got around to it. This is only applicable for short stories btw. What it is essentially is a story broken up into sections. One section is explanatory, the other is contemporary. One is naval gazing, the other is action-focused. There is a lot more I can say on this, but I will just leave you with the technical terms for now. Great story here @jhymi. 👏 Kudos.

While the two old friends, or at least acquaintances, made inconsequential small talk and fixed drinks Irun sat on a sofa and stared out the window, across at another apartment. She let herself drift between thoughts abought the Pixelverse, and wether she even believed it to be real, or an elaborate ruse to, well, she couldn't figure out a reason.

✍️ I hope the Scholars found something interesting to read, and the Scribes discovered something new about the craft. Thank you for stopping by - I'll see you all next week!

🖼️ Image Sources: 01, 02 🖼️

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Scholar and Scribe is a creative writing community founded in the forges of Hive's passionate Pizza Guild. It sets itself apart from some of the other writing groups on Hive with its unique dual-token system.

The Scholar and Scribe banner icons were designed by trashyomen. The cover image was designed by @jfuji.


Yayyy, enjoyed reading this as well as the works of the other authors. Deeply honoured to have my work among the highlights of today. And thank you for providing this amazing platform to let our imagination run free.🌹

Thanks for posting your wonderful stories for us to read.

I never thought what I wrote was good until I read your review about it. Thank you so much. I really appreciate. And wow, the other picks are pretty lovely too.

You are all lovely. Have more confidence in your work and keep writing.

Thank you 💕

Imposter syndrome haunts us all. Best to ignore it because its attentions are never helpful 🙂

Thanks a lot for the shout out, it is always an honor to be mentioned in one of your highlights.

It's an honor to have you posting in our community.

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