Feminity and strength, Two sides of a coin.

in Scholar and Scribelast year (edited)



Tasha abruptly stood up in shock and bewilderment. Time stood still before her eyes, she became ignorant of where she was. She stood there staring at her phone, overwhelmed by a surge of anger and disappointment. Suddenly, an impatient male voice restored her senses."Woman, could you sit down, I can barely see the screen from here".
She was at the movie cinema at the moment.She went to the cinema quite often recently, to see a movie and calm her nerves.She'd been working herself up at Week days trying to compile her application for the managerial position in her office since she had been due for a promotion. The cinema had been her escape from stress.But this prompting email had jerked her off reality for a moment, leaving her feeling less of a human, unappreciated.She turned and whispered,"I am sorry" as she managed to seat herself down.
Tasha never went to the cinema alone. This day, she'd come with her male friend, Joseph who was absent at the time she got the email from her boss which read,

"Dear Tasha, thank you for your contribution to the company so far.We appreciate the time and effort it took to apply for this position, but we're sorry to inform you that the manager position is reserved for a male applicant".

"How outrageous, how inhumane, what does this even mean?" she thought, her heart heavy. Thoughts of her efforts began to form like clouds in her head.Tasha was the type to ignite a fire whenever she smelt oppression.This time, she stayed calm and instead, felt disdain towards her boss and towards the wider society who considered women and their abilities worthless, almost insignificant.
Her friend walked in almost immediately. The moment she saw him coming from a distance, she almost interrupted him from a distance. She felt a gushing sensation of words waiting to be poured out but somehow, realizing that they were in the cinema, she kept her cool just so she wouldn't disturb the audience.
"Joe, can we go now?"
Joseph was taken aback.

"Wait" he said, surprised,

"we just got in here like... an hour ago? What's up?"

Tasha kept mute, not wanting to utter any word until they left the already prying eyes of their seatmates.
He suddenly sensed something was off. Tasha would only act this way when she's irritated or pissed.

"Alright, let's go," he heard himself say, as he picked up their light laptop bags to leave. He stole glances at her severally, wondering if she had a quarrel with someone in his absence. But it didn't seem so.

As they rode back home to Tasha's in her car, he summoned courage to ask her again, in a more calculated manner. This time, he asked,

"Tasha, why did you suddenly want us to leave the Cinema ?"

She broke into tears almost immediately as if waiting for him to ask again.
"Oh my God" he said, overwhelmed with sympathy and looking for a safe spot to park the car. He needed to pay some attention to her.

"My boss".
she forced in between sobs. "He says I'm not qualified for the job, because I am a woman".
'Wipe your tears' he said
Look, I'm so sorry my guy". He only called her "my guy" whenever he felt a need to make her know how much of her pain he felt.
"Sorry is all I get when my humanity is trampled on, what exactly is the crime in being feminine? Does it make me less of a human? Why does society place physical strength over intellectual abilities or isn't intellect the basis for the job? Why does society paint feminity as weakness and why shouldn't woman be given a chance to hold demanding positions that matter". While she poured out her heart, Joseph stayed quiet.He'd seen her upset before, countless times, when they visited restaurants and the menu was served him first, when the security officer greets him and ignores her when he, Joseph was shown more respect because as the man, he's assumed to pay the food bills instead of her, she got pissed.

For Tasha, feminity came with a lot of demands on each occasion, she sensed that human respect was lacking.Ever woman desires and deserves respect it forms a core of feminity. Severally at board meetings, male opinions seemed to be taken more seriously when brought up in the office than that of their counterparts this too she considers inappropriate. After all, there are no special hormones to prove that male and female intellectual capabilities are not on the same level.


Feminity suggests being considered and appreciated first as 'human' before gender steps in, that way, every individual may function well without being trampled upon.
Women are originally made to express themselves, why mute their voice. The society has been fashioned to ignore the feminine voice.Feminity is a demand to be heard to be given a chance to relive the experience and change things for the better
What if the boss in the office offered a job not based on gender but for the sake of humanity.What if society treats male and female individuals alike, giving equal respect to who deserved it, even if she is a woman. Feminity is characterized by strength, respect, a quest for freedom and equality.