Time is more abundant than we'd like to think on a human level.
But the soul - well - it knows the truth of abundance. 💛I totally get that. I'd like to think it's you getting ready for the upcoming #dreem-wotw.
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I have something possibly brewing but I lost my Toby last Sunday after everything
He didn't get better
So grieving and soul tired right now
And in processing
At times like these I don't feel like talking so much. I need the silence for extended periods to make sense of all the noise
If that makes sense
But here to read you guys until I feel like talking again from my heart
Right now my heart is a bit 💔
Just need a bit of time... 🌻
It makes sense. 💛
I know
We have to be in it to move through it in full ❤️
I'm making art to process
I'll brb