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RE: Time, Gentlemen, Please! - Dreem-WotW, S1 R2

You be very kind, Sir! As this was my entry for Dreem-WotW, I hadn't actually considered a follow-up but as you could not locate the meaning within, I may have to consider a return to the Blue Hen. Who knows, maybe then, I'll put the "meaning" in plain sight. Haha!


Hehehe. Whaaat?………no follow up intended initially??………for real?…….like seriously for real not? 🙈😅
I think that dream wotw has just been struck off my Xmas wish list I tell ya hehe.

There are a couple of meanings that I could formulate but I have a curiosity like an ox so I would ponder for months about whether mine is the same as what yours was……..

Ai, the life of a mouse I tell ya…..🙈hehehe.

A mouse with the curiosity of an ox?! ROFL.

Well, I don't want you to strike dreem-wotw off your Xmas list, so I will endeavour to come up with a sequel. Haha!

I guess I'm kinda curious about what will become of Sal & Simon too. Also, I quite like the idea of the granda clock making another appearance. Messages from the other place through a timepiece are always fun.

It be one of life’s battles and has often gotten me caught in a cheese mouse trap as the ox bull bears down charging my red socks hehehe.

Yaaaaah……….round two is starting to sound like it will happen……”you should see my mouse happy dance” 🐭💃😅

Your plots for Sal & Simon are sounding juicy and even if it is only a cameo appearance, the granda timepiece has to make an appearance.

Waiting in fried Camembert & cranberry sauce suspensive anticipation……..hehe.

Waiting in fried Camembert & cranberry sauce suspensive anticipation……..hehe.

I'm wondering, is this your way of giving me a timeline? When all the camembert & cranberry has gone, will you be expecting a story? A prequel or sequel perhaps?

I'm now thinking it would be fun to rewind the story further. Haha!

trippy Hive Party!By the way, if you are up for a little adventure, where your curiosity will be most welcome, @litguru and I are in need of a Cheshire Cat for a

Let me tempt that curious mind of yours by leaving this here. Also, be sure to follow as many links along the way to allow you to go deeper down the rabbit hole. Lol!

I do so hope you will have the TIME! 🐭🐇🕰️

Hehehe………moi giving you timelines??…….neeeeva. I could live on continuous fried Camembert & cranberry sauce so there is no end date there although my bank manager would disown me pretty soon……..dam bankers with different life goals to that of a mouse “deep sigh”.

No pressure but just for your info……each day of Mouse ox suspense kills me off slowly………hope you didn’t see what I did there “batting my eyelashes “.

Aaaaaaagh, finding the depth of rabbit holes has killed me ten times already in my life but you just pulled some master wizadery with something you did……
You said party and adventure in one sentence……………absolutely no orange blooded mouse could ever refuse such an esteemed invitation so I will happily be your Cheshire cat for the trippy party. I will even lick myself clean and be on my best mozzarella behaviour for the event :)

Okay, I better go read up on what I have made myself game for later (normal story of my life but love it.) hehehe.

Happy dancing rn. The party is an endless one, by the way, just like your camembert and cranberry sauce.

It's the type where you get to dive bomb inside another's imaginative world. The best! LoL!

Just spat my coffee out lol.

Yoh, that sounds like the most amazing endless summer party ever and I am definately there like a mouse with hair hehehe 🐭💃🍕🍻

oy !LOLZ ... for that comment, I be expecting an entry from you next time Mr. Mouse hahaha

Sundays are always a little sad
but the day before is a sadder day.

Credit: reddit

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(2/4)@stevemuis, I sent you an on behalf of @samsmith1971

Heeeeey, no fair.....I think all just got turned around on me by cleverly cunning you @samsmith1971 lol.

Now I am going to have a sleepless night trying to dream up what I would even contemplate writing about....dam my quiet big mouth sometimes hehehe.

Sam, we'll get together and pull the little furry, covered in camembert & cranberry sauce, mouse to our party with WotW.

You know you'll thank us, Mr Mouse! Hehe! 💛

Aaaaargh! I suddenly smell a stinky cheese joint uprising standing on my tail so that I can’t run.

Gangsters ye be I tell you.

Oi vey, toss a quill this way and I shall contemplate…….cheeky brats 💛🐭😅


haha Absolutely, Jules... cornered... with mousetraps blocking every exit hehehe

hahaha... you are well and truly on the radar 🤭

😂 Trust an irritating pinging machine to sell me out. 🙄😂