The Dense Trek

Prologue Chapter (Complete)

Part 1

Part 2

Chapter 1 (Complete)

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Chapter 2 (Complete)

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

The Dense Trek (Current)


In a world unfamiliar, it is hard to maintain sanity.
Adaptation is a skill to hone.
Familiarity leads to stagnation.
I wish I was back home.

The thick foliage was green armour. It was a mass of live unknowing. Or maybe it was all knowing. Thorann couldn't decide.

For his entire life he looked at plants and trees as nothing more than decoration. Some, he even considered an invasive annoyance. During his years of training, he grew to know plants very well. His instructor used yard work as a punishment for anyone who stepped out of line. "Solitary work gives plenty of time to think!" He'd often shout at anyone sent to the perimeter of their base.

Anadire was a region known for its fertile soil. Anything would grow their in abundance, especially weeds. Some of the others he trained with came to believe that was why the location was chosen as a base. Or, maybe it was just the area that caused their instructor to utilize it as he did.

"Splintered trees ahead," Lags called in over comms.

"Keep us posted," Thorann replied. He then looked at the others to make sure they'd heard. Judging by the odd nods, they had.

It all looked the same. Every tree was like any other. Every bush. Every narrow slit of light that broke through the canopy above. Every slim clearing.

"Movement," Lags warned.

Thorann readied his rifle and lowered himself. Behind, he could hear hands on steel and the light rattle of ammunition at the ready.

"Not Triskani," Lags said.

Thorann eased slightly, and stood tall once more, preparing himself for anything.

"Confederation troops," Lags finally spoke.

Thorann could almost hear the collective sigh of relief that came from everyone behind him. He turned back toward them, and gestured for them to keep up with him. He picked up the pace, and soon came upon the splintered tree Lags had spoke about.

It wasn't just one tree, it was many in a row. To say they were splintered was an understatement. The first had bark missing, and was oozing a puss-like substance. The next was bent and cracked. Beyond that, another few had fallen completely. Beyond them was a vehicle. It was covered in so much muck that the steel was hardly seen.

Lags was standing still, observing them. Thorann stood shoulder to shoulder with him looking at the disorder.

They were Confederation soldiers, but hardly resembled military personnel. Uniforms stained and tattered. Some had no shirts on, some had fashioned their fabric into head gear and scarfs. Some wandered aimlessly, more like children playing war. One had no rifle, but instead carried a stick. Most of the others sat around their makeshift camp.

"They haven't spotted us," Thorann said, as he stared at them.

"I've been waiting for one of them to notice me. None have," Lags replied. "It's not like we're hiding."

He was right. They were in full view on the outer edge of their clearing.

"Approach with caution, Thorann, something doesn't feel right." Doc whispered over his shoulder.

"Who's in command here?" Thorann shouted as he marched toward the camp. The earth loose under boot.

"They come from the sky!" A man covered in mud charged at him. With each step globs of wet dirt flew from his barely visible uniform. "They come from the sky!" He screamed once more, as he charged toward Thorann, aiming a stick as if he was holding a rifle. "They come from the sky!"

"At ease!" Thorann shouted, as he readied his own rifle. He was not intimidated by the stick, nor by the man shouting. But, he was unsure what lay beyond the the trees.

The man continued to shout, until one of the others walked to him and lay a hand on the stick. The person had their face entirely covered behind the cloth of what was once a shirt. His upper torso was covered in scratches.

He lowered it within a few moments, and his voice lowered too.

"They come from the sky," he said, barely a whisper now. He stared at the ground, and continued his mantra as the other person turned him around and sent him walking away.

"You're in charge then?" Thorann asked.

The person glanced at him, but said nothing. A long moment went by, until they turned and walked back to a nearby tree and set down.

Some stared at Thorann, but most of the others were in worlds of their own. Some stared at the ground. Some the sky. Some seemed to not even have their eyes open.