Glossary v. 3.2 - Creatures & Items (Mary Windfiddle)

Hello, Everyone!

This is the part of Mary Windfiddle's Glossary that has all the creatures and special items seen throughout the story. If you're looking for the name of a certain person or group of people, you should check out the other part - Glossary v. 3.1 - Characters.

Here's every creature and special item we've encountered, up to - and including -
The Eye of the Storm - Part 6.



Carrion Crawler (червей)

(first encountered here)
A worm-like creature, known to feed with decaying flesh. It was the first monster Mary and her friends encountered during their adventures!

Duergar (Дурегар)

(first encountered here)
Dark dwarves. Live in the Underdark. Grey skin, white hair and beard, thinner than normal dwarves. Known to be cruel and nasty.

Ghouls (гулове)

(first encountered here)
Undead creatures. Grey skin, not very intelligent. Known for their bite which infects people with ‘ghoul fever’ – an illness which soon kills its victims and turns them into ghouls as well.

Little Spike-Haired Pixie (пиксито на Гилиан)

(first encountered here)
Sent by Mary's Patron to 'guard' the sleeping Bruno while she and Aurum went on a solo mission. Has a toothpick-sized sword and WILL stab you!

Gelatinous cube (желатинов куб)

(first encountered here)
A creature Mary and Aurum stumbled upon in Sylvanas’ laboratory. Dangerous. Can envelop and slowly dissolve you inside of itself.

Page (Листи)

(first encountered here)
Mary's Unseen Servant. Strictly speaking, he’s not alive but she loves him nonetheless.

Living Tree (живо дърво)

(first encountered here)
An experimental creature from Sylvannas’ laboratory. Very aggressive. Probably killed its creator.

Myconids / Fungus Folk (Гъбковци)

(first encountered here)
Good day! The mushroom people who inhabit the cavern adjacent to Sylvanas’ laboratory. Were friends with the elf and mourn his death. One of them calls itself ‘Mr. Fungus’.

Bulette (Булет)

(first encountered here)
Also known as ‘a land shark’. A heavily armoured creature which burrows deep underground and eats anything that it comes in contact with. Not very intelligent but deadly.

Goblins (гоблини)

(first encountered here)
Small green skinned creatures. Can be good, can be bad. We know of two tribes living in the Upper Dark – The Ravens and The River Folk. Viyra and Kiyra are from the latter.

Messy and Bessy (Меси и Беси)

(first encountered here)
Huge goats. Like to eat and sleep. Don’t really care about anything else.

Roper (Роупър)

(first encountered here)
A very dangerous creature, likes to eat flesh. When sleeping, can be mistaken with a column or stalactite/stalagmite. When awoken, forms an eye, a mouth full of sharp teeth and several tentacles with which it can move and catch its prey.

Atti, Aingels and Rudhol (Ати, Ейнджълс, Рудол)

(first encountered here)
The Fearsome Threesome, characters from a fairytale Mary and Aurum knew from childhood. Also, Mary’s favourite origami familiars. Atti is an owl, Aingels is a tressym (a flying cat) and Rudhol is an almiraj (a bunny with a horn on its forehead).

Gibbering Мouther (“нещото под моста”)

(first encountered here)
Also known as ‘the Thing Under the Bridge’. Babbles incoherently when people are close by and, if it’s awakened, screams with a thousand voices and compels its victims to jump into his embrace.

Lizard People (“гущери”)

(first encountered here)
Exactly what they sound like. They live in simple villages and like to worship and serve powerful creatures like Nurvureem.

Shadows (сенки)

(first encountered here)
Creatures from the Negative Plane. Suck out life and vitality with every hit.

Drow (тъмни елфи)

(first encountered here))
Dark Elves. They have greyish skin and white hair. Live in the Underdark and are sensitive to light. The members of the ‘Kyone Veldrin’ legion are trained to fight with blindfolds to compensate for that.

Deep gnomes (гноми)

(first encountered here)
Greyskinned variation on the gnomes. Live in the Underdark and love, love, love jewels and precious stones. Can be summoned by knocking with one of those on a tunnel wall. The ground around them abides by their every need and they are able to walk through self-digging and self-closing tunnels through the Underdark.

Peter and Paulo (or Pow-lo) (Питър и Пауло/Поло)

(first encountered here)
Two of Mary’s origami familiars. Peter is a spider and Paulo (I mean Pow-lo!) is a rat (so what if Paulina has a rat form? It’s not like he’s named after her!).

Flaming Skull (пламтящ череп)

(first encountered here)
An Undead creature. When an arsonist dies and is risen with necromancy, their soul is manifesting as a one. Nasty little thing, likes to throw fireballs around.

Skeletons and Zombies (скелети, зомбита)

(first encountered here)
Undead creatures of varying strength and endurance. Summoned by necromantic rituals. Usually have some of the items the person had when he died.

Miyuki (Миюки)

(first encountered here)
Dynatos Perres’ cat.

Unicorns (еднорози)

(first encountered here)
A whole blessinig of them lives in the forests of Myth Adofhaer! They are wondrous creatures who can only be approached my ‘untouched maidens’. Their life force is known to keep the Mythalar (the barrier holding the outer world away) up.

Umber hulk (“щуреца”)

(first encountered here)
An insect-like creature that burrows underground and attacks its victims from there. Can scramble your mind if you look at its eyes, making you forget what you were doing or attack your friends.

Perjurio, Perjurina (Перхурио, Перхурина)

(first encountered here)
Aurum’s horses. Perjurio died in an Umber hulk encounter and Aurum was very sad, so he named Perjurina in his name.

Guard Drake (гигантски гущер)

(first encountered here)
Big and red. Last we saw it, it was eating the remains of a Gold dragon. Mary, Bruno and Aurum didn’t get to fight it because Agatha had already singlehandedly(!) killed it.

Jared Jr. (мини-Джаред)

(first encountered here)
A slug that Granny Gretel gave Bruno to have his armour be a little bit quieter. Eats greens but will bite you if hungry.

Sahuagin (Сахуагини)

(first encountered here)
An underwater humanoid creatures. Live in small underwater communities and probably eat corpses.

Water Elemental (воден елементал)

(first encountered here)
Exactly what it sounds like. Inky, swirly and dangerous.

Sea monster (морско чудовище)

(first encountered here)
Lives under the Misty Sea, near the shores of Ekoba. Attacks all the ships which crash into the rocks near its underwater cave. Has some natural magical abilities.

False Hydra (“хидрата”)

(first encountered here)
The big monster living under the capital of Ekoba. Its heads rise above the city, looking for prey and singing their awful song.

Reveal spoiler

Everyone that it devours gets erased from the memories of the people who knew them. The perfect defence mechanism. Would be tragic for everyone involved if they were able to remember. Poor Lanurey Trost (and so many others!)

Giant eagle (гигантски орел)

(first encountered here)
One of Aurum’s Polymorphed* forms, used for travelling long distance. As of Getting There - Part 6, it’s equipped with harnesses for his passengers.

Shambling Mound (живи лиани)

(first encountered here)
Plant matter gone sentient. Likes to devour people and squeeze them out of their life force.

The Wailing One (“хленчещото нещо”)

(first encountered here)
Cloaked and hooded creature that whimpers and cries in a woman’s voice when it approaches. Doesn’t seem to move when you’re looking at it but the moment you take your eyes off of it, it’s suddenly closer. Very unnerving. Very Doctor Who-ey.

Moon Rats (Лунните плъхове)

(first encountered here)
A community of rats whose intelligence waxes and wanes along with the moon phases.

Demons (демони)

(first encountered here)
Creatures from the Lower Planes who get summoned from time to time to the Material in order to cause chaos or feed with the souls/life force of their victims.

Golems (гoлеми)

(first encountered here)
Magically created constructs. Mindless, emotionless creations that know only how to fulfill the orders of their creators.


Those are all the creatures we've encountered so far. Next up:


Dorina’s map

(first mentioned here)
An unusually detailed map of Erathos and the Islands given to Mary by lord Alexander Dwendel in her first adventure with him. It belonged to the lord’s missing daughter, Dorina Dwendel, and contains some… secrets.

The orange seeds

(first mentioned here)
Given to Mary by her Patron with the mission to plant them in certain highly magical (and dangerous) places. The resulting trees are said to increase Mary’s powers and Gillean’s connection to the Material Plane.

Book of Shadows

(first mentioned here)
A gift Gillean gave Mary after her first official Warlock mission was successful. She uses it to record her spells and contact Gillean (via LastPageChatWindow).

Maheshvara’s bells (Ranna, Mosrael, Dyrum, Kibeth, Bel’gaer, Saraneth, Astarael)

(first mentioned here)
Seven magical bells that belonged to the legendary figure called Maheshvara. Each of them has different magical properties but together they are… legendary. Here’s their description found in an old book:

Ranna The Calming closed their eyes.
Mosrael The Two-sided was fierce and temperamental.
(belongs to Aurum – heals or deals damage when rung)
Dyrum The Talkative loosened their tongues.
(belongs to Aurum – casts ‘Speak with Dead’ and ‘Modify Memory’ when rung)
Kibeth The Banisher put them in their places.
** Bel'gaer** The Decisive required courage.
Saraneth The Quiet was seen by none.
(belongs to Aurum – casts ‘Pass Without A Trace’ and ‘Silence’ when rung)
Astarael The Mournful imposed silence.

Sapphire Brooch

(first mentioned here)
An otherwise non-magical item that serves as a symbol of recognition for a special division of the elven forces of Myth Adofhaer. Connected to Mary in more than one way.


(first mentioned here)
Blue glowing crystals found in Sylvannas’ laboratory and in the Underdark as a whole.

Nurvureem’s sword

(first mentioned here)
The Dark Lady’s sword. It seems to grow and shrink with her when she changes her form. Aurum wants to wield it.

The Amulet of the Chosen

(first mentioned here)
Bruno’s Holy Symbol. Found in a portal to the Shadowfell during our heroes’ trip in the tunnels under Belfast. Shaped like Ord’s hammer. Enhances Bruno’s powers and can cast ‘Daylight’ once a day.

Mary’s Wand

(first mentioned here)
A special gift from Gillean during Mary’s first face-to-face meeting with him. Enhances her powers and gives her a few handy spells (‘Mending’, ‘Prestidigitation’). Also, creates the Orange Tree.

The Orange Tree

(first mentioned here)
A magical tree that grows out of Mary’s Wand when she plants it in the ground. Acts similarly to the ‘Tiny Hut’ D&D spell (protects whoever is inside, hides them from the outside, can’t be penetrated by attacks and spells, and is comfortable, warm and dry). A group of pixies lives in the Tree’s branches and has different shenanigans each time Mary plants the Tree.

The Artefact

(first mentioned here)
A powerfully magical crystal found in the ruins of a flying city that crashed over Belfast. Acquired by the stone giant Agrax, then taken from him by the Dry Hand, and later…

Reveal spoiler

used by Tesaya to free the dragon Trax’rion from his Arcane prison.

The Cencer

(first mentioned here)
A magical device used by Racox (a.k.a. the Dry Hand) to contain the rock giant Agrax, seemingly against his will.

Necklace of fireballs

(first mentioned here)
A magical item our heroes found in 'Leopold's Antique Shop' in Belfast, and later used to fight the sea monster near Ekoba. The necklace has a few orange beads which erupt in a ‘Fireball’ when thrown at a target.

Granny’s ruby amulet

(first mentioned here)
A golden ruby necklace that Granny Gretel uses to spy on our heroes, with their (reluctant) consent. Aurum wears it around his neck and can call for Granny whenever he wants.

Aurum’s amulet

(first mentioned here)
When Aurum was little, he accidentally travelled to the Feywild. The fairies liked him so much that they gave him the amulet ‘for good luck’. Unbeknownst by our heroes, it gives Aurum the ‘Lucky’ feat. Granny Gretel wanted to have it when she first saw it.

Magical Tattoos

(first mentioned here)
Made with special inks and an elaborate contraption, these tattoos can give their owners spells or enhance their abilities. So far, we’ve seen four instances of those:
Bruno – the image of Ord’s hammer that gives him a bonus to his Wisdom;
Aurum – the image of Nurvureem’s sword that gives him a bonus to his Charisma;
Mary – the image of a butterfly that gives her a bonus to her Charisma;
The Terpeshian assassins – the image of a Black dragon that gives them the ‘Feeblemind’ spell.

Morgantian blades

(first mentioned here)
Also known as ‘graphite weapons’. If a person is killed by such a blade, their soul is destroyed beyond repair. So far, we’ve encountered graphite daggers wielded by the Children of Terpesh and by Nurvureem’s ‘servant’ Kalien.

Tesaya’s holy symbol

(first mentioned here)
Handmade by its owner, it serves as Tesaya’s connection to the Ancients.

Tesaya’s necklace

(first talked about here)
Is in fact a ‘Necklace of Prayer Beads’. Has five beads – two green for ‘Cure wounds’, two red for ‘Branding smite’ and one yellow for ‘Bless’.

The Inevitable blade

(first encountered here)
Dorina’s stiletto. Gives its owner the ability to pass through solid objects in order to follow and kill their quarry.


(first mentioned here)
Balaine Endoras’ bow, given to him by Gillean as reward for a certain favour the elf performed for the Archfey. Seems almost sentient. Shoots arrows made out of pure energy. Its wielder must have great strength to draw it.

Reveal spoiler

After Balaine Endoras was killed in his office, Fen’thras was stolen and its whereabouts are unknown.

Kloth’s Staff (Shub Nigurrath)

(first mentioned here)
A staff seemingly made from the spine and skull of a young Black dragon. Has the ability to summon all the Undead in a certain area and put them under its Master’s control.

Pocket of Holding / Bag of Holding

(first mentioned here)
A bag containing an extra-dimensional space where you can put stuff. Very useful. And do you want to know a secret? It was never actually a pocket.


(first mentioned here)
A special drink that has the properties of the ‘Heroes’ Feast’ spell. After drinking it, people gain temporary hit points, immunity to poison and fright and other nice bonuses. Also, it’s pretty tasty!


(first mentioned here)
An (allegedly) sentient wooden dagger which served as an Anchor to keep a Glabrezu Demon in the Material Plane. Probably has other special abilities which we haven’t yet learned. Belongs to Agatha.

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That's all, folks!
At least for now.

I hope you don't get too confused with all the creatures and items in Mary's world. If you don't know where anything is, take a look at the Map of Eastern Erathos, and if you're looking for a certain person, check out the other part of the Glossary - The Characters.

Episodes of Mary Windfiddle's story come out every Monday and Thursday.
(Also, here's a link to the Chapter Guide for the series. You're welcome!)

An important disclaimer: These are my notes from a D&D game turned into a narrative. All the worldbuilding and NPC encounters belong to our DM, and all the actions of the other main characters (Aurum and Bruno) belong to my co-players. My contribution to the story is only everything Mary-related (actions, reactions, inner thoughts), as well as the writing itself.


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