Map of Eastern Erathos v. 3 (D&D meta)

in Scholar and Scribe2 months ago (edited)

Hello, Everybody!

Here’s the updated version of the map of our D&D adventures (everything up to The Eye of the Storm - Part 6. The map was made by our DM on Photoshop, following advice by How to Be A Great GM (YouTube).


What you can see on the picture above is the map in its fullness. The continent our adventure is currently on is called Erathos (Ератос). It's divided in three by huge mountains. Central Erathos is famous for its many monsterous races and dangerous people. You have to be really brave, stupid or desperate to venture there. Our heroes are not. They are from Eastern Erathos - a much more civilized territory, full of city-states, towns, order and prosperity.

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Speaking of the city-states, there are six main ones in Eastern Erathos: Pamagos, Belfast, Myth Adofhaer, Zerakas tol, Frinkeltong and Ekoba. Below, you'll find a map with their location, as well as some information about each one (what is generally known to the public, no spoilers or secrets here!)



A big agricultural region in the middle of Eastern Erathos. Its farms and crops are the main source of living and trade in the continent. Ruled as a meritocracy by the Perres family. The whole region is named for its biggest city.


The dwarven country, famous for its mines, metallurgy and various crafts. Ruled by a Council of the most wealthy dwarven families. The main dwarven population lives outside of the underground capital the country is named after, only the ruling class inhabits the mining city.

Myth Adofhaer

(Мит Дофейр)
The magnificent city of the elves, surrounded by an enormous wall of living trees and a magical barrier called ‘Mythalar’. Access of outsiders is strictly monitored. The land is ruled by three Elders and the Council of the Hundred.

Zerakas tol

(Зеракас тол)
A magicracy in the far north-eastern end of Erathos. Famous for its military force and its acceptance of the more 'monstrous' races under its banners. It's currently the asylum for Edmund Bright, the young grandson of the late Emperor. For the last 700 years the city and its surrounding territories are ruled by a wizard woman named Francesca Findabair.


The city-state of the gnomes. Has a president named Bartemius Finesse. Famous for its industrial revolution and many useful inventions, and known for its evening festivities at the end of each working day.


A small country in the far south-eastern Erathos. Known as home to many criminal organizations. Ruled by a President who usurped the throne after having the previous king assassinated.

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What comes next, are some smaller settlements and landmarks. It's far from a full list but it's the main places our characters have heard so far.



It's where our heroes had their first combat! A big Pamagosian city, ruled by representatives of the Trading guild. Famous for being the trading center between Pamagos, Myth Adofhaer and Belfast.


It's where our friends met Lady Kaire and Sir Genos! A big town in the territory of Myth Adofhaer, inhabited by many different races (and a refuge for all those rejected by the Elven society). Newly famous for the tavern 'The Entrance to the Underworld' where the owner Rupert Ginash allows adventurers access to the Underdark (for a price).


A small fishing village on the shore of lake Dunlain. It was invaded by Undead recently, but Mary and her friends managed to save it.


The last town on Pamagos'territory on the way towards Ekoba.


A mysteriously abandoned settlement in Ekoba. Strangely, recollections of its fate vary from person to person.


A impoverish village in Ekoba. Our heroes spent one night in a barn there and gave everyone oranges in the morning. Also saved its young men from being forcefully drafted into the military.

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The underground city of the Duergar (the dark dwarves), located right under Belfast. A nasty place, full of hatred and dangerous creatures. In the center of the cavern it's built in, there's a tall tower named Barakuir. A newly-dug tunnel leads from its outskirts towards Meraket. Another one goes towards Menzoberranzan.


The underground city of the Drow (the dark elves), located under Myth Adofhaer.

The Red Forest

(Червената гора)
A vast and beautiful forest in the lands of Myth Adofhaer. The city itself is built in the middle of it.

Sylvanas' Laboratory

(Лабораторията на Силванас)
The secret working place of the elf Sylvanas. Situated somewhere in the Red Forest, between Myth Adofhaer and Meraket. Mary and Aurum went there for Mary's first quest.


A dwarven fortress north of Belfast, overlooking the elven forest of Myth Adofhaer. Given to Mary, Bruno and Aurum as part of their honors as ‘Heroes of Belfast’.

The Teeth

A vast mountain between Central and Western Erathos. Very hard to pass.

Kipsos Pass

(прохода Кипсос)
A pass and a fortress through the mountains between Eastern and Western Erathos. Managed by the elves. Famous for being defended in year 918 by Maheshvara.

Lake Dunlain

(езерото Дънлейн)
A big lake south of Frinkeltong. There are tales of horrible beasts living in the deep, but it’s mainly a great source of freshwater sustenance.


A city beyond the Teeth (and beyond our current rendition of the map), on the shore of the Swamp of Agony and the Lake of Death. Full of all sorts of criminals – thieves, murderers, rapists, including the organization known as ‘The Children of Terpesh’.

The Swamp of Agony

(Блатото на Агонията)
A landmark beyond the Teeth. Home to many dangerous creatures. For nearly half a decade, a constant rainstorm has been swirling above it, making it quite miserable and even more dangerous.

The Misty Sea

(Мъгливото море)
A sea (or perhaps an ocean?) on the East of the continent. Many trading routes go through it, but it's pretty dangerous to sail there, because of the thick mist covering and the sea monsters wandering through it.

The Red Quay

(Червения кей)
The biggest harbour in the capital of Ekoba.


(планината Хиганта)
A mountain range in the north-east part of the continent. Legends say that it was risen by Francesca Findabair herself, in order to separate and protect Zerakas tol from any forces coming from the central continent.

Karaba valley

(Долината Караба)
The Karaba valley is a vast region in the central part of Eastern Erathos. The Karaba river's calm flow supports strong trade relations between Myth Adofhaer, Pamagos and Frinkeltong.

Crooked Mountain

(Кривата планина)
A mountain in the north-east of Ekoba.

The Cedar Woods

(Кедровата гора)
A forest in the north-east of Ekoba, near the Crooked Mountain.

The Orborea Archipelago (a.k.a. ‘the Islands’)

(Архипелага Орбореа)
It’s where Agatha is from. Most continental folk refer to the numerous islets of the Orborea Archipelago simply as ‘The Island’ and find them quite exotic and unusual. They are more tropical in their geography and oriental in their culture.
One of the bigger islands is called Dzabraz.


It's good to know all the bigger places but it's also important to know where to go for a drink or entertainment, buy some stuff or get a room to rest for the night. So, here are the establishments our heroes know by now.

‘The Hut’

Could be anywhere. It's a strange little shack, old and creaky, which appears out of nowhere in unsuspected places. Full of stuff to buy or barter. Its owner is a creepy old lady named Granny Gretel.

‘The Stern Misterss’ / ‘The Entrance to the Underworld’

("Строгата господарка" / "Входа към подземния свят")
A tavern in Meraket. Its owner, the halfling Rupert Ginash, renamed it after an attack from a Bullete, refusing to close the hole the creature made, and started to charge people money for the opportunity to go down the tunnel and into the Underdark.

‘Bank Ferenc’

("Банка Ференк")
Owned by Papios Ferenc, the richest dwarf in Belfast. The bank has branches in every major city in Eastern Erathos.

‘Leopold’s Antique Shop’

("Антиквариата на Леополд")
A shop in Belfast. Sells all kinds of junk, including some really powerful and interesting items. Owned by an orc named Leopold.

‘The Bricks’

The neighbourhood in Frinkeltong Mary and her family live in.

‘The Pillows’

A fancy neighbourhood in Zerakas tol where Aurum stayed during his ‘secret mission’.

‘Steel Brothers Printing House’

("Печатницата на братя Стийл")
The printing house in Pamagos that distributed ‘Mary Windfiddle’s Grand Adventure’. Owned by a human named Rickard Steel and his sister Michelle.

‘The Maimed Lion’

("Сакатият лъв")
An inn in Pamagos. Owned by a leonin man called Leon (Лъвчо). Favourite place for Mary and Paulina’s companies to stay in the city.

‘The Gallery’

An artists’ hub in Pamagos. Rafael di Pitoya is one of its most respectable members.

‘The Salty Bitch’

("Лютата кучка")
A tavern in Pamagos. Owned by a human named Vlad and a half-elf named Lilly.

No.1 'Freedom Street’

("Ул. Свобода" 1)
The building of Dynatos Perres’ office in Pamagos. Surrounded by a big city square.

‘The Red Carpet’

(“Червеният килим”)
А chain of clothing stores in the bigger cities of Eastern Pamagos. Aurum doesn’t like them.


A fancy restaurant in Pamagos. All the waiters are gnomes.

At Rory’s

(“При Рори”)
A small inn in Ekoba City with a… peculiar owner.

Trim’s Inn

(“Странноприемницата на Трим”)
An inn near the harbour of Ekoba City.

The Leaky Sink

(“Протеклата мивка”)
A shady tavern in one of the poorer districts of Pamagos.

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That's all, folks!
At least for now.

I hope you don't get too confused with all the places in Mary's world.

Take care and be well!

Episodes of Mary Windfiddle's story come out every Monday and Thursday.
(Also, here's a link to the Chapter Guide and the Glossaries
(Part 1 and Part 2) for the series. You're welcome!)

An important disclaimer: Mary Windfiddle's story is my notes from a D&D game turned into a narrative. All the worldbuilding and NPC encounters belong to our DM, and all the actions of the other main characters (Aurum, Bruno and Agatha) belong to my co-players. My contribution to the story is only everything Mary-related (actions, reactions, inner thoughts), as well as the writing itself.


Great map! I love place details, so this is fantastic IMO.