no one is really completely nihilistic
I would agree, there are some you can still communicate with on some levels. Others though are completely dominated by their egos.
theory of evolution? I'm neither particularly anti- nor pro on this
If you believe in creationism, then it is not compatible with evolution and the big bang theory or? You cannot have your cake and eat it so to say. No one has documented a fish giving birth to a monkey yet, but I'm all ears if you see it.
I would think it compatible. When I assume a creator, I know nothing about how exactly creation took place. The big bang can fit into creation as well as evolution. It doesn't necessarily contradict each other, is how I see it (except that I don't think of the big bang as an event that came out of nothing, so I agree with the conclusion in the text). However, I am not so keen on debating this aspect too much, because I find religion gets by with the given doctrines and offers orientation. Just to mention the ten commandments and the many practical and pragmatic elements of religion that come from them.
The feeling that arises from the questioning of conscience I can neither attribute to myself alone, nor to certain people, but rather to something undefined, which I consider to be God.
I think that is the difference, there is no assumption that there is a creator, we know for sure. And you are right the 10 commandments are very practical.
But to believe in the big bang theory and evolution is making assumptions and requires to believe or have faith. I prefer to stick with what can be proven in reality. Georges Lemaitre was a clever guy to originate the theory of the expansion of the Universe in 1927 and then the Big Bang theory in 1931! I wonder how he did it!
Language is a delicate matter. I would stick to say that I have faith in God and that I am Christian. Saying that I know for sure that there is a creator puts too much weight on the shoulders of those who maybe would like to become Christians or to convert to a religion but then get shied away because of the formulation of "knowing for sure" - In the given atmosphere of these days I think it may be a good idea to feel the responsibility to consider that the un-decided ones might want come over and I would like to invite them ;)
As another commentator here in the comment section put it (very well)
I have so much food due to this very lively and engaged comment section (to my delight, so I thank you and all others) that I need time to catch up on names and sources
Such a pleasure talking to you.
Good points and Thank you for the great discussion.