A Great Way To End The Summer

in Scholar and Scribe2 months ago

Ding! Ding!!, the sound of the buzzer in my neighbor’s apartment alerted me of her receiving some visitors. This was confirmed by a loud shriek and laughter which came by after. There was no doubt that my plan to have a quiet dinner with no form of disturbance would soon be ruined.

"Hey yo, what's up people!" I heard a person's voice almost screaming at the top of his lungs as they probably pulled each other into a hug. It's probably one of her many friends.

Just how many people does she have in her apartment this time, I wondered.

Sarah moved into my apartment buildings about a year ago and unlike me who prefers a cool and quiet atmosphere in order to be able to meditate, Sarah is the opposite as she prefers to be loud. She always wants to stay alert because according to her ”quiet is boring”


From what I could tell about her she is a student, outgoing, free-spirited and very beautiful. She is also very kind, probably why she makes friends easily. She always have friends over most of the time.

"Yo! Are we going or what?", I heard one of her friends say as she asked that she they give her some minutes to get ready.

She probably doesn't know I sometimes eavesdrop on her conversations, maybe they would try to keep it down if they knew.

Then, when I thought the night wasn't going to get any worse, I heard her mention something about her neighbor. “Did I hear right?” Her neighbor is me. What about me?

I heard her door close and the sound of footsteps in front of my door. She knocked a few seconds later and I stood up from my chair to open the door.

Hey rukkie, I was wondering if you would like to go to the cinema with my friends, she said, giving me a huge smile.


"What?" I asked wondering how I am supposed to go out without me having prior knowledge. No I can't, I said under my breath, I have to make up excuses to not go with them even though I literally have nothing to do.

"Erm, I can't go, I have somethings I want to do" I said trying to smile through my lie.

"We both know you don't have anything planned for tonight" she said, seeing right through my lie. I hate that I am that predictable.

"Well… Erm" I said trying to come up with something else while she looked me straight in the eye. We stared at each other for what seemed like hours even though it's just a minute or so.

"Fine, I will go" I said feeling defeated. She gave me a smile and said I have twenty minutes to dress up. Well that's more than enough time to get ready. She said as she walked back into her apartment.

For as long as I have known Sarah, she has been trying to get me to go out with her friends to have fun but I have always been looking for excuses for me not to go. As I have no friends of my own, I have always been buried with work, so I don't have the time for any social activities or should I say I don't make time for it.

When I was to go on leave, I tried to not take it but I was told it is mandatory that staff go on leave. I had no choice but to comply and my leave happens to come during the summer which means that I would only be holed up in my apartment, feeling lonely and bored from watching the same movies over and over again from my laptop.

Sarah came back into my apartment and looked at me from head to toe.

"You're wearing that?" Sarah asked, looking at the loose sweater paired with Denim I was putting on.

"Yeah, what's wrong with it" I asked looking confused.

"Nothing, you know what it's fine, Winter is almost here anyway" she said quickly probably before I changed my mind and decide I won't be going for the outing.

"One step at a time” I heard her mutter under her breath. I knew she was referring to me but I just rolled my eyes. For as long as I have known her, she has always told me that knowing her would help me change from my ”boring lifestyle” to a much ”outgoing one”. I'm not that boring, she is just exaggerating.

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We all got to the Cinema, bought popcorn and took our seats. I looked at the whole place and saw people sitting with their loved ones, having a good time. I must say it felt good to have to be amongst other people, having a fun night. Who was I kidding, thinking I can enjoy watching movies alone in the comfort of my home.

After we were done watching movies, we went to another gaming section in the resort, where we played a whole bunch of games. There were a few that I never knew I was good at if I hadn't played it.

We got back home later that night after her friends dropped us off and as I punched in the codes to my room, I looked back and gave Sarah a big smile.

"Thank you for inviting me Sarah' I really had fun", I said to her.

"Anytime rukkie, I got you", she smiled back.

As I got into my apartment, I plopped down on the chair, reminiscing about the amazing night I had with Sarah and her friends.

What a great way to end the Summer!

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It was a beautiful way to end summer, all thanks to Sarah who literally forced you out of your hole, hehehe.


You just got DOOKed!
@luchyl thinks your content is the shit.
They have 1/10 DOOK left to drop today.
Learn all about this shit in the toilet paper! 💩

Hahaha, it sure was. Thank you for coming around.

What a great way to end the summer 🤗

There is no doubt that many times we need to have human contact and enjoy activities that take us out of the routine to renew ourselves and continue with our daily routines. It seemed like the end of summer didn't promise anything and it ended up being the best thing.

Thanks for sharing your story.
Happy Monday.

Thank you so much for coming around.