I was a gift to you


I was a gift to you,
a blessing from heaven,
a whisper among the stars,
an embrace in longing.

I was the champagne glass poured,
bubbling and full of dreams,
full of laughter and smiles,
in the toast of our endeavours.

The loving rose, a delicate canvas,
with petals of open affection,
in each leaf, a sigh,
in each colour, a memory.

I wrapped myself in love papers,
the kind that paint promises,
in ribbons that dance in the winds,
like our hearts at parties.

I am the melody of a ballad,
the echo of laughter in the breeze,
a letter written with tenderness,
the light that slips into your life.

I was the spark that lit the nights,
the lighthouse in your uncertain seas,
a story that is written together,
an eternal embrace in truth.