Social media love


I'd never believed that true love existed and people fell in love at first sight. I'd been hard on myself and prevented myself from falling in love.

Love for me was two-faced. It made me wonder how two strangers would meet and in no time they were in love. It seemed amusing to me.

And then I got to know people meet their lovers on social media platforms and end up dating.

I'd exclaimed it was insane and unbelievable. I went further to say these relationships end up with breakups.

My friends knew me too well that I never discussed love or relationship so they don't bother telling me about their love life.

I continued to dwell in my world and stayed far away from guys. I don't catch fun with them and they dared not come closer.

But this didn't last forever as I got hooked with a guy I'd met online.

Everything became different the day I received a friend request from Alex on Facebook.

He was light-skinned, and his looks were like an American. He had dark curly hair and cool dark eyes; his nose was pointed and his lips lush.

I clicked on his profile and began to scroll down his Facebook wall. Alex was sensual and stunning. His pictures caught my attention.

I'd accepted his friend request with my stomach fluttering. I sent him a message first and he replied right away. My mind skipped as I'd no idea he was active at that moment.

I started chatting with him and got enthralled in our conversation. He cracked funny jokes and I laughed hard.

It was difficult to stop chatting with him even when it was my study time; I chatted with him as if he was a long-time childhood friend.

The chat came to an end when he said he needed to work on a project. That's when I'd said goodbye and curled on the bed to fantasied about us in love.

I couldn't explain how I felt but I was like Cinderella who had met her prince charming in the castle. I drifted to sleep with his image on my mind and woke up the next morning with him on my mind.

The first thing I did was I picked up my phone, went online, and Alex sent in a message.

It was a sweet morning message. I'd been elated and had replied blushing.

I got to know he was a high school student just like me and our schools had participated in the last country's spelling bee contest.

Alex hoped to be the next Issac Newton and he knew almost all his theories.

He was a cool guy filled with plenty of Jokes and very intelligent. I noticed he liked me too and there was chemistry between us.

Two days later, we met in a coffee shop. It was exciting as we get to see each other for the first time. Alex looked more handsome than in his pictures and I couldn't help but stared at him as we spoke.

He caught me and held my gaze with his. I blinked uncontrollably and settled my gaze on my cup of coffee.

"Charlotte, are you okay?" he asked, in a soft voice.

"Yes, I am," I said, not looking up.

"Then, why are you looking at your cup of coffee?"

"Er... nothing." I flipped my hair backwards.

"Are you shy to look at me?" his brows arched.


"Look at me, Charlotte," he said and clasped his hand with mine.

I exhaled softly and raised my head. His eyes were charming and they made my heart race.

"Your eyes are beautiful," he told me.

"Thank you." I swallowed hard.

"Can I ask you a question?"

"Sure," I said and nodded.

He let out a soft breath. "Do you have a boyfriend?

"No." A small smile crept to my face.

"Wow! Interesting." He squeezed my hand softly. "Can I be one?"

My other hand flew to my mouth as I gazed at him bewildered.

"Yeah. I like you and I want you to be my girlfriend."

"We only just met, Alex."

"It doesn't matter. We can start from somewhere," he said, smiling.

I thought for a while and shrugged. "Okay. Cool. I accept."

His face filled with light as he rose to plant a kiss on my forehead. My face beamed as I drank my coffee.


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