'War, and Other details', a novel By Yasser Alaa- Part 4

in Scholar and Scribe3 years ago (edited)

All rights and copyrights for this novel are reserved for Yasser Alaa, I will sue you or any party if you published this Novel or any part of it without a handwritten authorization from ME.

I woke up in the morning and went to the market to bring something to make breakfast, in my way, a military convoy passed, I kept my sight on it, and it stopped by a house, and a few people got out of the house, one of them was a lady in her thirties wearing black clothes.

A senior officer got out of the car, and from another car, 4 soldiers got out, they carried a casket out of their vehicle, it was wrapped in Ustio's flag.

The 4 soldiers carried the casket on their shoulders in a military style, they put it on the ground in front of the senior officer, he put on his military hat and saluted the casket, I was looking at the widow, and boy she was all set to explode, it was a heartbreaking view.

she started to scream, and scream, and scream, and scream until she couldn't scream anymore, and she resumed just crying.

I paid attention, for one thing, there was an old man, obviously was the fallen soldier's father, and his mother, and his widow, I didn't notice any kids, so I figured out they didn't bring the kids to give their father the last look, But I said I have to be more optimistic, let's hope they don't have any kid.

the senior officer whispered in the crying widow's ear:-

  • Senior Officer: Your husband is a hero, he died for the homeland.

The widow barely raised her head to the officer, and she gave him a look as if she is trying to tell him ' what the hell is this spouse to mean for me now?'

I left the scene and resumed my way to the market, Got the things I went to get, and went back to the house, I used to sit with myself fantasizing, and on that day, my imagination had a fatty meal to build fantasies from.

I spent the day imagining, and I was so sure that an exact version of that scene happened at the same time somewhere in Satan, I can't be optimistic two times in a day, so I had to imagine kids with their mother crying on that casket.
I imagined the version that happened in Satan is for one of those 10 soldiers I killed this week, and it was so harsh a nightmare I couldn't stand.

I imagined all the details that happened there exactly as I saw them here, the senior officer in the Satan arm forces getting out of the car, 4 soldiers carrying the casket, the salute, the wailing, and the ' your husband is a hero's part, and finally the look to the senior officer.

In the morning, I thought what the widow meant is the senior officer's words, but now, I think the two widows, the one I saw, and the one I'm imagining, might mean something else, I thought if it is possible when they said ' what the hell is this spouse to mean for me now?', they meant homeland and not the senior officer words.

is it possible we are fooled by the idea of ( homeland)? is the homeland the governor? are we've been brainwashed by the political with this idea? when they convinced us to defend something called homeland, while in fact, we are defending them, taking their fights, not ours.

I don't see the homeland needs this piece of land on the border, we don't have citizens there to defend them and their rights!

I started to question basic principles, this damn war is pushing me toward madness slowly!

Our president seeks achievements through this war to reinforce his grip on the power, and who has to pay for that? that widow, an orphan somewhere, and a bereaved elsewhere.

To be continued...



All rights and copyrights for this novel are reserved for Yasser Alaa, I will sue you or any party if you published this Novel or any part of it without a hand written authorization from ME.



So this website says 21% of this content is NOT original and stolen from someone else?

Thanks for this, you just relifed my concerns abou AI.
I know now for sure it will never be as good as human.