Welcome back to Maledicturs Terra. This is a Chain Story between myself and @lex-zaiya, meaning that we each write the parts alternatively.
If you have not read Maledictus Terra Book 1: Mortis Custos yet, it starts HERE at Part 1 and ends at Part 101 HERE. At the end of the Part 101 post you will find links to all 101 Parts!
Maledictus Terra Book 2: Sanguifex started HERE with Part 1 and ends at Part 111 HERE
here!The previous part by @lex-zaiya can be found
Part 64
Magna huffed and ascended the stairs into the main castle where the living resided and went about their business. During the daylight hours there was no way that Millmor and Rex were out and about amongst the kitchen staff, soldiers and the other servants.
Even if they could pass off as men when they changed their forms, people knew who Millmor was. He had only one humanoid form, which he could not change. He was an ally to the Crown, a hero that had stood on the walls of the city and had led the Ghoul army in the defence of these mortals.
But even so, it was better not for him to mingle too much with ordinary people. He unnerved people. They knew that he was a shapeshifting monster and understood little else. There was also a very real chance that he would encounter Blaze Knights in public and these zealots might be roused to some sort of action. They might have mellowed out, but they were still religious fools who sometimes acted on their sense of justice and purity instead of their brains.
And then there was Rex. Similarly avoiding contact with Blazeknights and probably Anna as well.
She knocked on the door to the quarters the Queen had assigned to Millmor, Rex and Robert. It was situated in a position between the crypts and the rest of the living quarters of the other guests. It was best to cut down on the areas they needed to pass through.
Rex opened the door, in his man-form. “Princess.” He bowed. “To what do we owe the pleasure?”
“Oh, I am just an errand-girl to higher beings.” She grimaced and curtsied ironically. “Bellum and Vitex would like you and Millmor to join them in the crypts. They have something to discuss with you.”
Rex smiled. “Thank you for the message.”
Magna nodded and waved, her play-acting done. She worked her way through the kitchen commons to the Grand Hall where her mother was holding audience and presiding over a que of petitions and reports. She slipped out of there before Mary could notice and inevitably dragged her to come and sit in on the function so she may learn more about statecraft.
Through the courtyards and past the stables. She came across a sight that made her duck and peep. It was her brother and the Orc woman. She supposed that Gorma actually was quite a looker. It was strange since Orc males were always depicted as really ugly. Now that she had met Gorma’s people, Magna had seen that Orc Males were not half as bad as the story books and tales would say and there was no mention of the Orc Females looking like Gorma.
Magna respected the other woman for she had the bearing of a warrior and she felt quite envious of the fact that though she was some sort of nobility amongst her kin, the daughter of one of the Chieftains, there was no pressure on her to conform to some standard of beauty or function like Magna had.
A warrior woman was an acceptable vocation for an Orc.
Remaining hidden, she watched her brother and the tall green skinned woman talking. Magna could not hear what they were taking about from this distance but she was fascinated at the prospect of Adrian being with a girl. It was strange, it was not like he had actively shown interest before. Now this.
The odd pair were standing in the paddock next to the stables. This was the only one inside the castle walls and it was not really big. Right now it was empty of horses but just then a third figure came into view. It was the wolf-creature that Magna had gifted to Adrian. She stared hard. It had only been a few days but the pup looked like it was bigger. By how much, she could only guess. It had just seemed so… helpless before.
Now the warg was animate and full of character. Adrian kneeled to pet it and scratch it behind its ears. The warg pup seemed overjoyed and jumped into Adrian’s lap which tipped him over and had him sit on his arse on the grass. The warg took advantage and proceeded to lick his face violently.
This action made Gorma laugh and Magna stifled a giggle. It was a cute scene. She wished that they could stay like that and continue to spend time together without going on a mission to save the Kingdom that would inevitably put their lives at risk.
She decided that it was time to go before either of those two spotted her watching them.
Now where could Letty be found?
Thank you for reading!
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Vetitum Nemus
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