Coaching Style Experiences

in Home Edders4 years ago

There are two sides in joining competition, defeat and victory. As for me I chose victory.


It was two years ago when I was given the chance to mentor 3 young minds in poetic debate called Balagtasan in Filipino. The selection of participants is through audition after class hours, screened by yours truly and three co-teachers. After a week we were able to picked the best chosen 3 namely twins Nina Faith Quiroga, Nina Kate Quiroga and Jayson Genilo.


As a coach I always instill to the mind of the student participants to enjoy the Balagtasan (poetic debate) and to have presence of mind. But it was not that easy. The twin said, “Ma’am this is our first competition. We never joined any competition at all except this and our heart was palpitating, perhaps very nervous?” I answered, “calm yourselves, after this we will go to Car-car City and eat Jollibee (known fast-food in the Philippines)”.


Few hours after the winners were announced. Other schools prepared so much with this with caliber coaches compared to me but it was our luck perhaps. We won the District Level! I immediately congratulated my students and to my surprise they said, “Ma’am can we go to Jollibee now? Its going to be our first time.” And I was touched, for me those words I uttered is to calm them but for them is a motivation, a reward.

And so rigid training begun for South East Area Level Competition. We will be facing the champions from other districts which numbers 20. But I was very confident then. More than competition we created bond and connection. Yes! I was their teacher, coach, and a mother. My students were my children and friends. I corrected them if I must and praised them for good performance.


With constant practice and faith, we were hailed as champion in South East Area. Way to go for Division Level. And of course, I brought them to SM City Cebu as a reward. Their happiness was priceless, we enjoyed the rides and food. They said because of me, they were able to step in the big mall in Cebu. It was my pleasure to make them happy, to create one of their best memories.

This was not easy. We recognize no Holiday and Saturday this time. I have to juggle my time as a teacher with lots of paper works and a mother. For Faith, Kate and Jayson, they are still students with lots of home works and exam. Every afternoon we meet in my classroom. As a coach I asked them first their whereabouts on that day. I listen. I earnestly listen to their concerns. I believe to coach is to lift them up, inspire, show and give them the way.



On the day of competition, we visited the nearest church located in Alcoy. We lit candles and prayed. Out of 17 contestants we were announced as champion.


On the next level of competition is Regional Level. The pressure is ours. We bring the name of our Division, Cebu Province. We have to do our best. Nothing but the best. We will be competing 19 Divisions all over Region 7 in the Philippines. Every debater was dressed, prepared and eager to become the winner. As I looked at my students I knew they were nervous, afraid and wanted to hear the results. I told them, “Kate, Faith, Jayson, if it is our time, it is ours. If we win, this is Gods favor, if not, it is God’s protection”.


I closed my eyes and prayed during the announcement of winners then I heard the name of our school announced as CHAMPION! Oh yes, we will then be the voice of Region VII, to compete in National Level-the highest level of Balagtasan in the Philippines.


Plane tickets, accommodation, and food were shouldered by the NCCA. I was the proudest coach ever. As for me, I don’t need recognition anymore, I just want to give my students the best memories they might have on the entire High School life. It was their first time to travel outside Cebu, to ride a plane, to sleep at the hotel, and eat all you can food. During the competition they met new friends from other regions. They enjoyed the competition and performed their best. We were not hailed as national champion but the memories and experiences we shared were more than trophy and medals we desired. It was a priceless happiness indeed.



Because I believe to coach is to lift them up, inspire, show and give them the way. More than competition, we created bond and connection.

“The price of success is hard work, dedication to the job at hand, and the determination that whether we win or lose, we have applied the best of ourselves to the task at hand”.
-Vince Lombardi



This is a nice recount, but probably better suited to the Education community which is a bit broader, because the focus here is on home education and homeschooling.