Estimating height. a fun exercise

in Home Edders6 months ago (edited)

This is a fun math exercise to do with those little ones who like numbers.
I came up with this idea and did it with my son as he is very fond of numbers and math in general.

Photo no. 1

The concept is fairly simple and straight forward.
choosing for example a large tree which is too tall to measure. have some reference near it, anything measurable, a person, a structure, a car.. and taking a picture of it.

then, digitally, marking horizontal lines at the same distance as the object chosen as reference.

for example:
in the above photo, our firewood shed serves as our reference.
we measured it, from the soil to the roof and got 2m.
we then replicate this size vertically until we can closely enough guess-timate how tall our tree is.

here is another example where dad was chosen as a reference. dad is 1.85m. tall. (can you spot dad down there...? 😂)

Photo no. 2

· how tall is the tree in photo no. 1 ?
· how tall is the tree in photo no. 2 ?

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Great idea to utilise the environment around us. I like your concept and it should work for any age, with a little help for the younger ones.

Happy to hear. this is why I wanted to share this ❤️