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RE: Toy Room Transformation

in Home Edders4 years ago

Aimee your first paragraph could've been written by me and I don't have the same excuse as you do....I only have TWO UNDER FOUR!!! Minimalistic living. Tiny homes. A place for everything and everything in its place. Wonderful pipe dream. But I love the lego. We also have loads. And wooden educational toys. But it all lives everywhere except the designated home! The joys of motherhood. I keep reminding myself how fast they grow and then nothing really matters except time with them. And toy rotation. It definitely works. They seem to always love their toys and be excited about something they were ready to toss just a few weeks earlier.


I am so glad I am not alone. I always feel embarrassed about my packrat ways but recognize there are so many other people with the same struggle. You're right, motherhood evolves so fast; how much they need us, how much the want us, how the days are spent. Getting caught up in the daily tasks is so easy to do. We really need to stop, take a breath, and just be with those babies while they're still babies. Thanks for stopping by. -Aimee