That’s wonderful - just make sure not to have an “oops” and end up back there hahaha. It would be okay though, children are wonderful and we certainly need more of them not less. It’s good to hear that you’re having good success with your last one! It makes it a lot easier.
We are trying to home school and it’s a struggle for sure. We have a strong suspicion that our son has dyslexia but need to get more formal testing. He’s smart as a tack and picks up on things incredibly quickly - as long as it’s not reading and writing. He does good at math but mixing up the numbers is an issue sometimes.
We are just glad to have an idea of what to do now, it’s not confirmed but the opinion of someone who works with kids with it said they see the common challenges, it’s not severe which is good but it’s there.
Thank you! Hahaha oh no, we won't be having any "ooopsies". 😄
Yes, children are certainly wonderful. I just couldn’t imagine starting all over again at this point. I truly am enjoying the growing up stage.
That’s exactly what our ten year old struggles with. He has symptoms of dyslexia along with other learning challenges. We have him in this program called Expressways to Learning that has helped tremendously and we see great progress. He too is very smart and learns better visually and is really great at math. He had very low confidence in himself and wouldn’t read out loud. We can see his confidence growing and he is slowly reading out loud more. Their brains are so brilliant but just work differently than ours. There are things my son can understand or figure out that the average person can’t. But the more simple things that you think he would know are the ones he struggles with. I’m learning that he has a hard time explaining what’s wrong or what’s confusing him. I have to take the time to figure out what’s causing him to struggle, like it could be a word in the question he doesn’t know. How can he answer a question if there are words in it that he doesn’t understand? It’s things like this I’m learning about our son and it’s making me a better teacher for him. We have been working on learning adjectives so he can better express himself and describe how he’s feeling more clearly.
Another thing I learned is that their memory is very short term. I always wondered why he claimed he didn’t hear my instructions. Well, it’s because he only grasps the first parts of what I’m saying and the second half gets tuned out to where he won’t remember. We now have to make sure we tell him the most important things first and try to keep instructions short.
At one point I was so frustrated with him because I thought he was playing dumb to be lazy and get out of doing his work. I felt terrible when we found out he really had learning difficulties. 🙁
That’s the beauty of homeschooling because I was able to figure out something was really wrong by observing him. Now, we can take our time and go at his pace and give him the help and support he needs.
It’s good that you all are taking care of this now while he is young so that it will be easier for him to overcome those struggles. Our instructor talks about how she is helping adults that have these learning difficulties and they wish they would have found help years ago instead of waiting. So you’re definitely on the right track. I’d be happy to share more about our experiences if you’re interested. 😉
Take care and thanks so much for the visit and comment ~
What an awesome comment thank you! Going to take me a little bit to digest it but I read it! I think we share some of the same struggles!
Hahaha! Sorry about that. It is quite a bit to read but I do like sharing once I know someone else might be going through the same thing. Thanks for taking the time to read ~ 😉