Very well spoken here! I’m not as good with sitting back and not trying to help guide our son. I do in some ways because I know he wants to learn how to do things on his own and he does them very well in many scenarios but I find myself encountering some scenarios I don’t enjoy and my reaction is to just tell him to be careful please. He’s thankfully got a lot of confidence but I know sometimes I can get a little too protective. It’s a tough thing to give up!
I can find my best example of him needing to learn on his own when he wants in him doing letters and numbers. He knows what they are but when we try to write them it’s a bit of a struggle and he’s confused as to why he can’t do something he wants to do. I see the turmoil in his face and it ends up being hitting and anger. Thankfully we’ve been walking him through ways to try and express his anger in words of what he is mad about and it’s definitely helped reduce the physical lashing out. When he does get them right I make it a definite point to let him know that he did a great job and the smile on the little mans face would make anyone’s heart melt lol
It is hard to not be protective, and to want to teach them, I am still learning myself and finding my way.
Ahh the frustration they feel when they can't carry out a task that they think they can do, it is all part of learning. It is important to allow them to express themselves, it takes a few years for them to really be able to understand their emotions xx