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RE: Maxima Reverentia Devetur Pueris

in Home Edders11 months ago

Sometimes adults forget that children are people who, like them, also deserve respect, but because of their situation, they need an adult to be with them, accompanying them in this difficult process of growth until they are able to fend for themselves. I believe that many confuse this fundamental role of a parent, who should be a guide, with that of a tyrant who has the power to rule with an iron fist.

I do not know how many times I have seen a parent scolding their child for being their own person, because there is the belief that children have to obey in everything, when it is not so. For example, when a child does not want to give a hug to someone, even if it is a relative, and ends up being scolded because he is supposedly being unfriendly...

Don't children deserve to have their own voice?

Also, there are those who treat children as idiots for asking questions about things they consider simple, such as why the sky is blue, when in fact curiosity should be encouraged because that is one of the factors needed for learning. It's an attitude that fills me with a lot of anger, especially because in teaching children I've found that many of them are constantly afraid to ask questions and admit that they don't know something because they think it means they're dumb.


The same goes with discipline and habit formation. When a little child does something wrong, the parent would go "Oh, she's still so little, she wouldn't understand even if I tell her." That is where bad habits start. Teaching them right from wrong at an early age is part of showing respect to them as a person.