I knew I'd love this from the title. Was not wrong. This is beyond amazing, it's the existence of such places that gives one hope for the future, I feel. Children are so much more capable than modern society gives them credit for, but it's only by testing those capabilities that you can raise resilient, strong adults for the future.
I think I'd like my children, when they do come, to grow up in just such a place. I take it Spain's views on homeschooling/unschooling are more lax than in other places?
It is an amazing space. Homeschooling is a bit of a grey area here, there is no law per se against it, but you can be brought to court for abandonment which they can apply to education. It´s complicated really, that´s why I like to live under the radar xxx
Ah, so it's similar to Romania then. Homeschooling is kind of a gray area there, too (thank God). A friend of my mom was taken to court by her own mother-in-law over it, but other than that, I know quite a few people who do it without any trouble from the law (the friend was fine, too, in the end). I'm glad there are spaces like this, though. I remember seeing one a few years ago, also on the blockchain (and maybe in Spain, though wouldn't bet on it). It's uplifting. I hope to be able to raise my kids in a place like that someday. As I grow older, I become more aware of that imperative -- wherever I do decide to settle, it's got to be a place where you can at least fly under the radar.