Hello dear friends of this great community.... I had abandoned my little blog, and I stopped telling you my story with my workshops, because I got sick of COVID, we really must take care of ourselves, I invite you all to do so. But I came back re-powered and eager to tell you more about the workshops that my partner and I did for the little ones, this time they asked us to do creative, fun and full of learning activities. That is why we decided to make a day of art and fun, since it is the activity that they have loved the most.

Recordamos que el arte es fundamental para todos los aspectos en nuestra vida y más para nuestros niños y niñas, porque si desde pequeños despertamos ese pequeño foco de creatividad, serán niños (as) más expresivos y creativos, además de que logran aprender valores como el esfuerzo o la dedicación, invitándolos a continuar así no sepan hacer algo, a no tener miedo a equivocarse sino por el contrario de aprender y continuar.
We remember that art is fundamental for all aspects of our lives and even more so for our children, because if from an early age we awaken that small focus of creativity, they will be more expressive and creative children, in addition to learning values such as effort and dedication, inviting them to continue even if they do not know how to do something, to not be afraid to make mistakes, but on the contrary, to learn and continue.
¿Por qué es tan importante que disfruten y conozcan el arte?
Porque es la principal vía de expresión que ha tenido el ser humano a lo largo de su historia, podemos decir que es un lenguaje que aumenta la capacidad expresiva en los niños (as), empleando como principal la imaginación y creatividad para así fortalecer todos los aprendizajes adquiridos beneficiando con esto un desarrollo infantil prospero. Todos en casa podemos hacerlo, con nuestros hijos, nuestros sobrinos, o con nuestros alumnos, recalcar a diario que podemos crear, jugar, divertirnos, le ayudaremos a fortalecer su autoestima y autoconfianza, que es tan importante en estos tiempos, demostrarle al niño (a) que es capaz de hacer, ayudando también a su memoria y a mejorar su concentración, en algunos casos a reducir la ansiedad y calmar el estrés. No solo en niños sirve las prácticas de creación de manualidades a través del arte, a nosotros como adultos nos ayuda de manera grata, y sorpresiva lo digo por mi experiencia personal, al enfrentarme al COVID, en mi caso Ómicron, me vi envuelta en días de ansiedad, estrés, taquicardias y falta de sueño, y mi mejor aliada fue el arte, es por esto que decidí en demostrarle a los pequeños, en mis momentos de angustia, creaba, dibujaba, coloreaba, sin ser la mejor o con la más creatividad, pero calmaba mi angustia y ansiedad, y me daba calma, logre crear mariposas, flores de foami, cartulina, para mi pequeña bebe que viene en camino.
Slime actividad divertida/Slime fun activity
Why is it so important that they enjoy and know art?
Because it is the main way of expression that the human being has had throughout history, we can say that it is a language that increases the expressive capacity in children, using as main the imagination and creativity in order to strengthen all the acquired learning, benefiting with this a prosperous child development. Everyone at home can do it, with our children, our nephews, or with our students, emphasize daily that we can create, play, have fun, we will help to strengthen their self-esteem and self-confidence, which is so important in these times, show the child (a) that is capable of doing, also helping your memory and improve their concentration, in some cases to reduce anxiety and relieve stress. Not only in children is useful the practice of creating crafts through art, to us as adults it helps us in a pleasant and surprising way, I say this from my personal experience, when facing the COVID, in my case Omicron, I was involved in days of anxiety, stress, tachycardia and lack of sleep, and my best ally was art, that is why I decided to show the little ones, in my moments of anguish, I created, drew, colored, without being the best or with the most creativity, but it calmed my anguish and anxiety, and gave me calm, I managed to create butterflies, foami flowers, cardboard, for my little baby who is on her way.
Es por esto que los invito a que con cualquier niño (a) o con alguna persona que necesite calma, los invito a crear a través del arte, a distraerse, a aprender y así tanto tú como la persona que estés ayudando aprenderán y crecerán juntas en el fantástico mundo del arte.
This is why I invite you to invite any child or person in need of calm, to create through art, to distract yourself, to learn and in this way both you and the person you are helping will learn and grow together in the fantastic world of art.
Quiero recalcar algunos conceptos para tener presente la importancia del arte para cada uno de nosotros. El arte según varios autores: www.criaturadelarte.com
Aristóteles (filósofo griego): arte es lo que el humano realiza conscientemente, en base a su conocimiento. Jhon Keats (poeta británico): Un gozo eterno es realizar una obra de arte. Vincent Van Gogh (artista neerlandés): el arte y la naturaleza interactúan, es el hombre agregado a la naturaleza.
El arte en Pablo Picasso “El arte no es realidad; es una mentira que nos hace darnos cuenta de la realidad, al menos de una realidad que somos capaces de comprender”. “El arte no es la aplicación de un canon de belleza, sino lo que el instinto y el corazón ven más allá de cualquier cánon.
“El arte es sobre todo un estado del alma.” Marc Chagall. “El arte es un modo de aprehender aquello que de otro modo es imposible captar, que excede de la experiencia humana.”
León Tolstoi concibe el arte como medio de comunicación equiparable a la palabra, de la cual se diferencia por el contenido transmitido, pues para él, mientras la palabra transmite pensamientos, el arte transmite sólo sentimientos y emociones.
I want to emphasize some concepts to keep in mind the importance of art for each one of us. Art according to several authors: www.criaturadelarte.com
Aristotle (Greek philosopher): Art is what humans do consciously, based on their knowledge. John Keats (British poet): An eternal joy is to make a work of art. Vincent Van Gogh (Dutch artist): art and nature interact, it is man added to nature.
Art in Pablo Picasso "Art is not reality; it is a lie that makes us realize reality, at least a reality that we are able to understand." "Art is not the application of a canon of beauty, but what the instinct and the heart see beyond any canon".
"Art is above all a state of the soul." Marc Chagall. "Art is a way of apprehending that which is otherwise impossible to grasp, which exceeds human experience."
Leo Tolstoy conceives art as a means of communication comparable to the word, from which it differs by the content conveyed, because for him, while the word conveys thoughts, art conveys only feelings and emotions.
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Art indeed is very important to anyone - for self expression and as foundation to other life skills. It is an important part of out homeschool as well, where I encourage them to be creative and imaginative in their creations. I'm happy that they share the same interests with their playmates.
I love the octopus arts, they are so cute. I bet the kids enjoyed making them very much.
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Blessings @iriadegoes ! Art work with children is a unique experience, they develop their potential to the fullest and express in their creations the most original ideas, while having fun and learning.
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