La razón se encuentra en que además de enriquecer el vocabulario y aumentar el conocimiento sobre un tema específico, contribuyen a mejorar el desarrollo de habilidades complejas relacionadas con el procesamiento de la información, la atención, la concentración o la perseverancia.
De alguna forma, los niños que presentan esta pasión no se limitan a un conocimiento superficial, sino que prefieren ir más allá e indagar. Suelen ser más autónomos y tienen más facilidad para desarrollar el pensamiento crítico.
Hello dear friends of this wonderful community, this time I will talk about the importance of the love of dinosaurs, since my son loves them, and this time I will show you different activities that can work from home, for the learning of children, in terms of learning the name of them, express their creativity and use useful materials, since this love is very beneficial for children's cognitive development.
The reason lies in the fact that besides enriching vocabulary and increasing knowledge about a specific topic, they contribute to improve the development of complex skills related to information processing, attention, concentration or perseverance.
Somehow, children with this passion do not limit themselves to superficial knowledge, but prefer to go further and investigate. They tend to be more autonomous and have an easier time developing critical thinking.
Desde la psicología se utiliza un concepto conocido como intereses intensos para referirse a la preferencia, motivación o pasión por parte de los niños por objetos, actividades o temas muy específicos. Este fenómeno suele desarrollarse a edades muy tempranas y, además, suele ser más común en los niños que en las niñas,se caracterizan por la experimentación de cierta atracción, con grandes dosis de pasión, hacia ese objeto. Según nos indican en este blog: Tiene mucha información con científicos que lo avalan.
Psychology uses a concept known as intense interests to refer to the preference, motivation or passion on the part of children for very specific objects, activities or topics. This phenomenon usually develops at very early ages and, in addition, it is usually more common in boys than in girls, characterized by experiencing a certain attraction, with large doses of passion, towards that object. According to this blog: It has a lot of information with scientists that support it.

If our child has a great interest in dinosaurs, the best thing we can do for him is to support him by encouraging him even more. We can accompany them to the library to discover more about the different species, go to exhibitions or visit museums, play video games, watch movies or documentaries or do activities with them to further their knowledge.
Luego de estas actividades creamos una masa de sal, y en ella hicimos fósiles de dinosaurios. Ingredientes:
*1 taza de sal.
*1 taza de Harina de trigo.
*1/2 taza de agua tibia.
*1 cup of salt.
*1 cup of wheat flour.
*1/2 cup of warm water.
Mezclar la harina y la sal en un bol, luego agregar el agua y mezclar, seguidamente amasar con las manos hasta obtener una bola de masa, tomar la bola y presionar para luego presionar con los pequeños dinosaurios.
Mix the flour and salt in a bowl, then add the water and mix, then knead with your hands until you get a ball of dough, take the ball and press it and then press it with the little dinosaurs.
Amigos espero que disfruten de estas actividades y del amor por los dinosaurios tanto como nosotros. Gracias por leerme./Friends, I hope you enjoy these activities and the love of dinosaurs as much as we do. Thanks for reading.😃
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The reinforcement and focus on dinosaurs kind of interests me. I think there are so many wonderful animals and things alive today that should be studied more and familiar to kids. Dinosaurs do have entertainment for sure but I can’t figure out the education behind it, that’s just my personal thought though!
Really nice little fossil mold you made! That’s cool to do for the kids for sure.
Hello friend, thank you for your comment. But it is really important for education because it helps to forge cognitive development in children, in the school where I work we always use this project because in addition to arouse interest in children, enriches their vocabulary, increases information processing, attention and concentration. It all depends on the strategies we use. And yes the fossil is super fun. Nice day.😄
It's good that you encourage your child's interests, it will motivate him even more and build his confidence and self-esteem. And this type of interest that has a specific conceptual scope, for example dinosaurs, undoubtedly brings great benefits in the cognitive development of children.
Thank you so much for your comment, I'm glad you took the time to read my post. And yes no doubt doing many things for my son's knowledge. Be well. Nice evening😃
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