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RE: Is Bad History Worse Than No History?

in Home Edders2 years ago

You accuse me of veering into tangents after you commented on my post with an implication I support teaching kindergarteners about anal sex and then play victim when I say that is uncool?

I have followed up on a lot of the books people are complaining about. Most of the complaints are spurious. Some complaints are subjective, and often based on deliberate mischaracterization of a book for young adults based on out-of-context passages presented as if it is alongside Dr Seuss. Very few have any real merit, and these are hardly being pushed on kids at most libraries. These critics are taking every single complaint they can make and labeling everything as "obscene," muddying the waters and destroying any real chance of constructive dialogue.

Don't try to gaslight me while I am struggling with burnout and insomnia.