My girls started out in the school system, so one of the things I used to worry about was that we weren't covering enough. Probably because it was so much quicker and easier covering things at home when it takes much longer in a school day where they have restricted time in lessons and the teachers have so many other children to work with as well. Occasionally I'd test them with some of those online tests to see if they were keeping up with expectations for their age and they were nearly always tracking just fine, often better. Sometimes there might have been things we'd missed, but that was easily incorporated into their next project or activity.
It took me a while to stop panicking about them not learning enough and in those years where I thought we'd been particularly slack the Home Ed officers were as happy with their progress as they'd always been. It was such a great relief and moral support to have other experienced homeschoolers like yourself to explain cross curricula things like this and put my mind at ease.
I was the same in the beginning but worked out pretty quickly what was expected by reading Government Education Department documents. The thing about homeschool is to not stress. Most kids taught at home are well ahead of their publicly taught counterparts. I didn't have the advantage of the internet for research back in 1990's either!