I hated the school run. That was one of my favourite freedoms when we homeschooled. 😁
Aphantasia is the inability to visualize.
Do you know, I never even realised that some people don't even have an internal monologue until recently. I wondered how this might affect reading. My youngest can only see images in her mind in flashes, she can't sustain them for long. I didn't even know that until we conversed about the internal monologue.
If at any point you were considered above average or below average compared to the majority, you either felt bored or behind.
I had one either end of this spectrum. My eldest was bored to tears, my youngest got left behind by most (all bar one in fact) teachers who weren't flexible enough to teach in her learning style. She often still considers herself dumb due to this, even though she absolutely isn't. I loved how we could explore her learning together when we starting homeschooling. She's very hands on and visual.
What is one piece of advice you would give to someone who wants to start homeschooling?
This is actually a tough one, because it depends on the person. I'd probably say to trust yourself, because unless someone has been homeschooled themselves they don't always believe they are capable on taking on a "teaching" role.
A wonderful covering of this topic and I agree with all of it. I can't think of anything you might have missed.
@minismallholding - Thanks for continuing the conversation.
We were fortunate that we learned about aphantasia early on in our homeschooling journey. Personally, I had always taken for granted the ability to create pictures and "videos" in my mind. We were able to accelerate our second daughter's reading ability by changing to a specialized curriculum.
My heart breaks when I hear stories like the one your daughter experienced. Those labels are often carried for a long time. Great job taking the time to learn how she needed to explore the world.
TRUST YOURSELF! - I completely agree.